Chappy 12

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3rd POV:

Y/n face palm as she look at Nami with angry eyes. "What are you doing here." Y/n ask as she pick Nami up from her hiding spot. Nami chukle. " You know just doing what I do best spying on the demon king." Nami chuckles as she looks at Barbatos. "Oh and nice trap by the way I got past it easily." Nami said as she brush past Barbatos and down the stairs.

Barbatos grunt and look to the side. They follow Nami downstairs as she plop on the couch. "So what are we doing today." Nami ask as she put her feet up on the table. Diavolo laughed out loud. "Nami is truly something else." He said as he sat next to Nami. "He brush off the fact that we were about to have sex." Y/n thought as she sat next to Nami as well. Nami smile as she stayed seated. "Y/n we don't hang anymore let's do something fun." Nami said as she look at y/n with sparkles in her eyes.

Y/n was about to decline but she thought about it for a moment. "A little fun won't hurt me." Y/n thought as she smile at Nami. "Sure let's go hang." Y/n said. Nami jumped to her feet and grab y/n arm pulling her towards the door. "Let's go then." Y/n gave diavolo a little wave as Nami pulled her away.


I didn't know where Nami was taking me but wherever we were going was taking us a long time. "Nami where are you taking me." I ask as I slightly pull my arm away from Nami. She turn around and look at me. "We are going to my house duh." She says as she starts to walk backwards.

I chukle. I never seen Nami house before. I always thought she stayed in a dorm like the rest of us.

After like twenty more minutes of walking we finally reach Nami house. Once I enter I was hit with a sweet scent of lavender. Nami living room was modern nothing fancy or nothing boring. Nami grabs my hand and leads me to the couch as we both plop down.

"So what are we doing now." I ask as I look at Nami. She chukle. She then stands up and going to her closet and pulling out a bag. She then dumps the bag on the floor. The bag was filled with broad games. "Broad games?" I ask as I raise a eyebrow. Nami put her hands on her hips. "Well you got a better idea , we can't sneak back in to diavolo castle I was caught." Nami says as she sits on the floor grabbing board games.

I sigh. I look through the board games. My eyes widen a little as I see a board game. "f/b/g. ( Favorite board game ). I smile as I remember I memory of me and my mom playing f/b/g.


3rd POV:

"Mommy Mommy." Y/n shows her mother the board game. "Can we please buy this one." Y/n pleaded. Her mother gave in as she grabbed f/b/g and put it in her cart.

"Sure baby we can get it." Y/n squealed as she grabs her mother hand walking to the checkout line."

Flashback ended

Y/n POV:

I smile to myself as I remember the good times with my mom before she let dad come back. "The good ole times." I think.
"Y/n , Y/n." Nami wave her hands in front of my face as I snap out of It. "Y/n what board game are we gonna play." Nami ask. I pointed to f/b/g and Nami smile. "Ok let's play f/b/g."

( Timeskip )

3rd POV:

In the middle of the game I take a quick look around Nami house taking in the setting. I then notice a picture frame. In the picture i saw I woman with black hair and red eyes holding a baby and a men standing behind them smiling. They look like they were happy. "Nami who are these people." I ask.

Nami looked up from the game and look at the picture I was talking about. Her face went from a smile to a frown. She look but down at the game. "They are my parents." I gasped. "Wow you were really cute as a baby Nami." I say as I get up from the floor to look at picture better. Nami doesn't say anything.

"Nami where are your parents now." I ask as I look at Nami. She had stop playing the game and was standing up now." Y/n I don't wanna talk about them right now." Nami said as she headed over towards me. She place the picture flat down giving me a small smile. "Let's continue playing the game." I frowned. "Nami." I was concerned. Ever since I been in devildom Nami had been by my side and had help me with everything.

I put my hands on her shoulder. "Nami did something happen with your parents." I say as I look at Nami. Her head was still low as she says "They tried to kill me." I gasp as my eyes widen. "W-what why." Nami begin to cry. "it was when I was only six." Nami begin. "My parents never wanted a baby so they tried to kill me , luckily diavolo and barbtos stop them and lock them in the basement." Nami tells me everything about why her parents wanted to kill her.

I felt so bad for Nami that while she was talking I grab her and pulled her into a hug. " I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm so sorry I haven't spent anytime with you." I apologize to nami. She wrap her arms around me. "It's alright y/n." Nami said as she she hugs me tight. We broke the hug and decided to just go to bed. We clean up the game and went straight to the bed room . I lay down next to Nami fall asleep.
"Nami I promsie I won't let anyone hurt you." I think as fall asleep behind Nami.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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