Chappy 11

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Y/n POV:

Reaching the Purgatory Hall with my bags felt good but saddening as well. I was truly gonna miss mammon ,Levi , Beel,Asmo and even Satan. But I know for a fact I wasn't gonna miss Lucifer not at all. "Well y/n this will be your room." Diavolo says as Barbatos sits my bags down in my room.

"You know it's gonna be strange there now knowing you're not there." Diavolo says as he enters my room. "Yeah I just needed my space is all." I say as I flop down on the couch. "The truth is I couldn't stand that Lucifer lie to me." I think as I look at diavolo. "You know y/n you could've told me from the start." Diavolo says as he sits next to me.

"Don't hide anything from me." He then places his hand on my thigh. I breathe heavy. "I never knew how sexy diavolo was." I think as I slightly blush. "Do you understand y/n." He says to me. "Y-yes yes I do." I stutter. "Good." He then stands up getting ready to leave. " Come by my place once your settle in ok." Diavolo says as he leaves me room.

Once he left a sigh. " So much in one day." I think as I take my bags to the bedroom. Entering the bedroom it was very small. It had one bed in the middle, a dresser on the right and that was it. I walk out of the bedroom. I look to my left and see the bathroom. "One sink, one toilet, one shower great it's normal." I think. I go back to the bedroom and lay on the bed.

"I guess I can still make videos in here." Just as I was about to unpack I hear a knock at my door. I go to the door and open it. I see Simeon and Luke standing in my door way. I smile. "We heard you were moving into the Purgatory Hall." Simeon says as he smiles at me. "Well I'm here." I say as I move to the side and let them in.

The take a seat on my couch as I me Simeon and Luke began to talk. "Your gonna love it here y/n." Luke says as he smile proudly. I chuckle. "Thank you." We talk for a while until I realize I was suppose to meet diavolo. "Oh Luke Simeon I gotta go meet with diavolo." I say as I stand up. Luke sighs. "Oh y/n why won't you leave them demons alone." Luke says as stands up. "Now Luke don't be like that." Simeon says.

"I have to go cause diavolo ask me to meet him." I say. I walk out with Simeon and Luke. We wave goodbye and go our separate ways. "I wonder what diavolo needs."

( Timeskip )

Diavolo POV:

I have baratos set out tea for me and y/n. I don't know why I told her to come over. I guess it was just in the moment and I didn't think before I spoke. I hear a knock at the door. "Ah she's here." I say as barbtos opens the door. I see y/n walk in. She sees me and smiles.

"Diavolo you wanted to see me." Y/n says as she sits down on the couch. "Yes ...yes I did." I say. " Shit what I'm going to do now." I think to myself. I sit next to y/n. "I really don't see why you wanted to leave y/n." I say as I try to stir up a conversation. She doesn't say anything she just looks at ground. "Can you keep a secret diavolo." Y/n says as she looks at me.

I nod my head. "I....I like Lucifer." My eyes widen. "You like Lucifer." I say a little shock. "Yes....I do but he doesn't feel the same way about me." Y/n says. I sigh. "She isn't the first girl Lucifer turn down." I think to myself. " Listen y/n I understand that your feelings are hurt right now , but now your in the Purgatory Hall you should be having fun here in the devildom not looking all sad." I say as I nudge her shoulder. She chukles.

"There it goes ,that beautiful smile that looks nice on you." I remove a strand of h/c from y/n face. I can see her blushing as she looks at me. "You know you are very beautiful." I say as I lean in to y/n out of no where our lips connect. We pull apart quickly. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence y/n begin kissing me.

🍋Light lemon scene 🍋

3rd POV:

Y/n gets on top of diavolo lap as the keep kissing letting their tongues dance with each other. Diavolo begins to unbutton y/n shirt as y/n attacks diavolos neck. "God your so sexy." Diavolo says as he tosses y/n shirt across the room. He then begin to unclip y/n bra. Once he got it off he attack y/n breast. Sucking on one as he plays with the other one.

Y/n threw her head back on pleasure. "Oh fuck this feels good." Y/n moan out as she begin to grind herself on his lap. Y/n then takes diavolo shirt off and throws it on the floor. As diavolo attacks y/n other breast y/n unbuckles diavolo pants. Once he finish sucking her other breast y/n gets up and sits in between diavolo legs. She pull down his pants reavling his 9 inch cock.

She grabs it in her hands and begins to pump it. She slowly lick the side of his shaft and just as she was about to put it in her mouth they hear a vase fall from upstairs.

🍋Slight lemon scene over 🍋

Y/n POV:

Me and diavolo quick pull away from each other. We quickly put our clothes on. As we were getting dress we hear a cough from behind us. We looked and see barbtos standing behind us smiling. "Sorry to ....Interrupt but there is someone in the castle." Baratos says. We put our shirts on and followed baratos to the noise. Once we reach up stairs we saw the intruder. I face palm as diavolo and barbtos sighed.

It was Nami.

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