Chappy 3

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3rd POV:

Taking y/n by the collar and throwing her into his office. Lucifer was mad. He was livid. Not that y/n was making friends but that she broke into the demon lord castle with Nami. "How dare you break into the demon lord castle." Lucifer says as he shoves y/n a little. "Hey don't put your hands on me." Y/n says as she shoves Lucifer back.

In all his years of living Lucifer never had a girl disrespect him and he wasn't finna let it happen. "Don't put your hands on me y/n." He warns her. Y/n put her hands on her hips. "And what's gonna happen your gonna hit me." She says. Lucifer eyes darken. "No but I'll punish you." Y/n face showed a hint of fear.

⚠️ Backstory ⚠️

Y/n POV:

"Ouch daddy stop that hurts." I said as my father took the whip and landed it down on my butt cheeks. "This is what You get for begin a bad little girl." My father says as he continues to hit me with the whip. After ten more hits my father drop the whip pulling down his pants. "No father please." I beg as he shoves himself inside of me.

When I was only 11 my father was beating me and raping me. I knew the word punishment to well. Everytime he said it i knew what he meant. It meant he was either finna beat me , rape me or let his drunken friends rape me. I scream as my father continues to thrust in me covering my mouth with one hand and grabbing my breast with the other.

Mother was hiding in the car outside. She never thought to stop him when he did these things. She just ran and hid. After finishing he pulled his pants up and push me on the ground. I thought it was over but then I saw ten of his drunk friends enter. I shook in fear knowing what was about to happen as they approach me.

⚠️ Present ⚠️

Y/n POV:

I snap back to reality after having a thought about what happen to me when I was younger. I frown and walk up to Lucifer. "If you so much as touch me I'll break your fucking fingers." And with that I storm out of his office.

Lucifer POV:

After hearing what y/n said I was shock. No one dare to talk to me like that. This was the first time someone ever disrespected me. But it seem like the disrespect came out of fear. I walk over to my desk and call up diavolo. "Hey diavolo I have some concerns for the new girl." I say as I began to type on my computer. "Yes I wanna know what her childhood was like." I say and after diavolo agree to have barabtos look into for me we hang up.

I pull up a picture of y/n as kid and man she look rough. Her hair was a mess , she had on torn shorts with a half rip shirt. I look like someone was doing things to her. I sigh and exit the page and get up from my chair. "Ugh y/n what is it about you that is pulling me in." I think as I head for my office door.

Y/n POV:

I storm to my room with tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "Get it together y/n that was the past he can't hurt you right now." I think as I head past some stairs. But soon as I past them I hear a voice. "Hey over here." I stop on my tracks and turn around towards to stairs. "What the- w-whose there." I say as I take a step back towards the stairs. "come up here and see." The voice says. I take a step forward. Taking one foot on the step and soon as I was about to move I feel a hand on my arm. I spin around and see Lucifer.

"Y/n what are you doing." He says. His eyes look like they darken. "I-i heard someone up there stairs." I say as he pulls me away from the stairs. He chuckles. "That's nonsense y/n no one is up there." He says as puts some distance between me and the stairs. "There has to be I know I heard someone." I protest. Lucifer sighs. "I think you better mind your business y/n , don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong or you might get hurt." He says.

"Here you go with these threats." I say as I step a little closer. "I already told you if you touch me imma- , come here and help me please." This time Lucifer heard it too. "See someone is up there let me see who it is." I protest. Lucifer then throws me over his shoulder and starts to head towards my room. "Hey what did I tell you." I say as I punch his back.

"Tch y/n stop fighting I'm way stronger than you." He says as he gets to my room and throws me on my bed. I scoot back as Lucifer hovers over me and look me dead in my eyes. "I'm only gonna say this once , stay the stairs if you go near them again I want hesitate to punish you." My breath hitch in my throat. "I-i told you what I'll do if you touch me." I say as I look away. He grabs my chin turning my face towards his.

He whispers in my ear "my punishments will be fun." He says as he puts his hand between legs. A blush appeared on my face as Lucifer look me clean in my eyes. For some reason that action alone turn me on. I was getting frustrated , hot , flirty and ...... extremely horny. "Show me then , what are your punishments like." I say as I lean my body closer to Lucifers.

I take my head and place it on lucifer face as we both lean in closer and closer. The heat between us both coming off of our bodies as we lean forward. But then.

Lucifer sighs and pulls away taking my head off of his face. "Goodnight y/n." He says as he leaves my room.

Leaving me all hot and bothered

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