Chappy 7

21 2 0

Y/n POV:

I look in shock as I see what looks like a human behind bars up in the attic. "This cant be real." I think as sweat begins to fall from my forehead. The boy smile at me. " Ah I see you made it up to the attic finally." He says. "A-are you a demon." I ask not wasting no time. The boy smile faded and he frown. "No im a human just like you."

So many questions were going through my mind. "How did you get up here." I ask. "Lucifer trapped me up here." He says. The boy then being to tell all about how he got up here what Lucifer did and who he was. I sat down on the floor listening to the boy talk. It was about 2:00 in the morning when I decided I had to go back down stairs. "Well I gotta belphie." I say as I get up and walk down the stairs.

"Wait!" Before I was even close enough to get down the stairs belphie called out to me. I turn around. "You can't tell any of the other demons I was here ok." He say. I nodded my head and made my way down the stairs. Reaching my room I threw myself on my bed. "This is too much to process." I think as I get my phone out and dial Nami. After four rings she pick up.

"Nami what are you doing right now." I ask. "Um I'm busy doing something why wassup." She said. I told Nami everything but I didn't tell her about belphie. After venting again to Nami we hung. I get under my blanket and I tried to get a little bit of sleep before I had to go to school.

( Timeskip brought to you by Lucifer being nice )

3rd POV:

Y/n woke up and headed straight for the dining room. Once reaching y/n saw Lucifer and instantly last night invent flashed in her head. The attic , the almost sex they had , the head she got from Nami. Y/n face turn sadden. And then Lucifer saw her. His eyes burn a hole in her body. Y/n continue to walk to the table. She took a seat next to beel but didn't eat.

"Y/n are you gonna eat." Beel ask. Y/n shook her head no and beel begin to eat her plate. "You look tried y/n." Lucifer said as he continue to stare at her. Y/n gulp. " I'm not hungry I'm just a little tired." Lucifer smirk. "Meet me in my office after school." And with that he left the table. "Wassup with Lucifer." Asmo ask as he look at y/n for a answer. But to be honest she didn't know either.

Heading to her class y/n bump clean into Nami. After the head that Nami gave y/n it was werid seeing her again. "H-hey y/n I just wanna say that even tho we did....that I don't want things between us to get werid." Nami Said as she begin to open her locker and put her books away. Y/n didn't say anything. She didn't want things to get weird either but gosh the head was too good that she wanted more.

"I-i couldn't agree more with you." Y/n said as she turn around and headed to class. Reaching her first class of the day y/n couldn't get what she saw on the attic off her mind.

( Time skip brought to you by diavolo being mean )

3rd POV:

Going home after school Lucifer decided instead of y/n coming to him he would go to her. Reaching home Lucifer goes straight to y/n and instead of knocking he just opens her door. Opening her door he sees y/n with a f/c tank top on and a pair of black shorts with her h/l hair tied up. She had her computer Infront of her with a pen in her mouth.

" You know it's something called knocking." Y/n said as she took the pen out of her mouth. Lucifer Ingored her comment and started to speak. "Listen y/n what yesterday forget about it ok , I wasn't leading you on at all." Lucifer said as he look into y/n eyes. Y/n put her head down and didn't respond. "I know your upset cause you wanted us to be something but we simply can't." Lucifer said. "Because im a demon and your - don't finish the sentence." Y/n said as she kept her head low.

"Because your a demon and I'm a human, that's bullshit Lucifer." Y/n said as she look into Lucifer eyes. "You may not want to own up to your feelings but I do, I like you Lucifer." Y/n said as her eyes begin to get teary. "I want you in so many ways." Tears started to fall from y/n eyes. They may have not known each other well but y/n had feelings for Lucifer.

She didn't know at first until she realized that all she was able to think about was Lucifer. He pinch the bridge of his nose and said "You can't have me y/n." Tears begin to fall faster from her eyes. "This is so unfair." Y/n said as she stands up from her bed. "You gotta understand this is a exchange program you'll be back in the human world in a year."

Lucifer said as he walk closer to y/n. "If that's the problem I'll travel to come see you." Y/n said as gets close enough to Lucifer to touch him. "I don't care about the consequence I just wanna be with you." Y/n says as she grabs Lucifer shirt. Lucifer shakes his head and take y/n hands off his shirt. "NO y/n." And with that Lucifer left y/n room. "I HATE YOU.". Y/n yell as Lucifer left the room.

Y/n falls on the bed and begins to cry. She couldn't believe that Lucifer just walks in her room tell her she can't be with him and then leaves. Y/n had enough. She gets up and puts on some f/c pants with a hoodie. She the sneaks out of the house of lamination. "I don't wanna be there anymore." Y/n thought as she march her way to the demon lord castle. "I'm gonna ask diavolo if he can switch my house so I can be with Simeon and Luke and Solomon." She thought. Reaching the demon lord castle y/n knock on the door.

Three minutes later barabtos open the door. " Y/n what brings your here.* Barabtos ask.

"I wanna ask diavolo to switch my house."

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