Chappy 9

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3rd POV:

Lucifer threw y/n into his office as he slammed the door. "Oh that's it y/n I've had enough of your fucking behavior." Lucifer says as he grabs y/n neck and drags her over to his desk. "What are you gonna do spank me and then leave saying you can't lov-." Before y/n could finish her sentence Lucifer slams her over his desk.

He leans down and whispers in her ear "No I'm finna given you what you want." I shiver as I feel his breath down my neck.

🍋Lemon scene 🍋

Lucifer grabs the hem of y/n shorts and pull them down to her ankles. "I'm gonna give you to smacks understand?" Lucifer says as he takes his belt off. "Yeah I get it but after all u gonna do is-." Y/n was cut off with Lucifer slapping her ass with the belt. "Ow what the fuck warn me next time." Shut up." He smacks her ass again. This time he rub her ass after each smack.

After what felt like 20 smacks to the ass Lucifer lifts up y/n shirt and kiss down her back. Y/n moans out as Lucifer begins to stick his finger inside her and being to finger her. He move his up and down doing circles inside of y/n leaving her a moaning mess. Lucifer then chuckles. "I but you think I was stopping there didn't you." Before y/n can answer she feels Lucifer cock goes inside her.

He then begins slow stroke. "Ah yes ah." Y/n moan as she close her eyes enjoying the pleasure. Lucifer then beings to pick up the pace. Pounding y/n into the table. "AHH YES AHH YES DON'T STOP." Y/n screams as Lucifer pounds her into the table. Y/n tries to lift her head up but Lucifer pushes it back down. "You like when I pound you like this don't you." Lucifer said as he smacks y/n ass. "ah yes yes I do." Y/n said as she let's Lucifer pound into her.

Reaching her climax y/n let's out the loudest moan and cums on Lucifer dick as he pulls out and cums on her back. Panting and out of breath Lucifer grabs a towel from his desk and wipes y/n back. "Here let me take you to my bedroom." Lucifer says as he picks up y/n and takes her to his room .

🍋End of lemon scene 🍋

Once reaching his room he lays y/n on the bed and put the blanket over her. "Wait your not laying down with me." Y/n ask as she sits up in the bed. Lucifer grabs a clean a shirt and puts it on. "No I got work to finish for diavolo." Lucifer says as he opens the door and leaves the room.

Y/n POV:

"Your just trying to get back to that Jessebella chick." I think as I get up and throw on my clothes. The sex was awesome of course but it was the simple fact that he fuck me and finna go back to another bitch that really pisses me off. I walk right back to Lucifer office. When I got there the door was crack open slightly. I lean in and listen to his conversation. "I know your upset that I left so suddenly." He said so I assume he was talking on the phone. "Mhm don't worry I'll see you tonight and we can pick up where we left off."

"What the hell." I think as I back away from Lucifer door. Whole backing away I bump right into Satan. "Why are you eavesdropping on Lucifer." Satan ask as he puts his hand on his chin. "That's none of your business." I say. "Well it's gonna be my business cause I'm telling Lucifer if you don't tell me what you were doing." Satan says as he walks past me and up to Lucifer door.

"Ok ok stop I was eavesdropping on Lucifer and Jessebella conversation." "Jessebella?" Satan ask confused. "Yeah Jessebella some chick I saw Lucifer with." I say. "Oh so you wanna make sure they aren't dating so you and Lucifer can date." Shut up." I say to Satan as he smack his head. "Don't worry y/n I'll help you." Satan says as he grabs my hand and takes to his room. "Now if your gonna spy on Lucifer you need to be prepared."

Satan grabs a book and flip through some pages. "Ah found it." He says as he place a book Infront of me. In the book it basically stated how to spy on a powerful demon. "Why do you have this book Satan." I question. " Why are fucking Lucifer." "Fair game." I thought as I continue to read the book. "So basically all we have to do is to not be seen and if we are to act like we are out together, why couldn't you just say that." I say as I close the book.

"Talking to you is a waste of time." Satan says as he puts the book back on the shelf. He then grabs my arm and drags me out of his room. "Now be back her at 9 that's when he'll leave." Satan says and then closes his door before I could say anything. "Tch asshole." I thought as I walk back to room to get sleep.

As I was walking back I decided to head up the stairs to see belphie again. Once reaching there I saw Lucifer up there. I stop and hide behind the wall. "Listen belphie you gotta stop this." Lucifer said as he pinch the bridge of his nose. "That's Belphegor to you." Belphie said as he cross his arms and turn away from Lucifer. "Listen you didn't want accept diavolo wishes you left me no choice but to lock you up." Lucifer said.

Belphie laugh. "Oh don't worry brother i won't be in here forever know that." "B-brother." I thought as I started to run back down the stairs. Reaching the bottom of stairs I couldn't believe what I heard. "That's his brother." Once I look up my eyes widen. There stood Beel , Mammon , Levi and Asmo. "Y-y/n what were doing up there." Levi ask as the others look worried at me. "I- I was just-." I couldnt get my words out.

"What are you give doing by these stairs." Lucifer ask from behind me. I gasp as I turn around and see Lucifer red eyes staring hard into my soul. "Well." "Oh we're fucked." I thought.

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