Chappy 6

17 1 0

3rd POV

And just like y/n said she started to make pacts. Starting first with mammon then Levi and then beel. She still didn't get a chance to go in the attic due to Lucifer at the stairs every night.

She still had to make a pact with asmo and Satan. Her and asmo were close and she was with Satan too but asking them to make a pact was going to be hard.

Sitting in the living strolling through devilgram mammon plop down next to y/n. "Yo human what we doing today." Mammon ask as he snatch y/n phone outta her hand. "Hey give me my phone." Y/n said as she jump up trying to grab her phone out of mammon hands.

While trying to reach for her phone she trip over mammon leg causing both of them to fall. On the ground laughing Lucifer walks in the front door. Seeing y/n on top of mammon made him mad. "If your gonna horse play do it outside." He said and walk off to his office.

Mammon look at y/n and ask "what's his problem." Y/n shrugs. Ever since she started to make pacts Lucifer has been warning her and being cold towards her.


"Ugh mammon this food is disgusting." Asmo said as he push the plate away from him. "Well don't eat it then starve." Mammon said while shrugging his shoulder. Beel took the plate and began to eat the food. Lucifer chuckle. He then sees y/n walk into the dining room.

He then frown. He stood up from his seat and made his way towards y/n. "Well I see you are making friends." Lucifer said as he block y/n path from the table. "Yeah I am." Y/n said as she try to move around but Lucifer was blocking her way. Getting irritated she had try to move Lucifer but he grab her wrist soon as she rose her hand. He then lean close to her ear.

"Making pacts with my fucking brothers won't make you get any close to the attic." He said as his grip on her wrist got tighter. Y/n hissed in pain. "L-lucifer your hurting me." She said as she try to yank her wrist away. "I'm only gonna say this once stay the fuck away from the attic and stop making bonds with my brothers." He then let go of her wrist and move out of her. She walk to table scare and nervous. "What is he hiding." Y/n thought as she stare at the table.

Flashback ending

Y/n POV:

Rubbing my wrist I think back to yesterday when Lucifer said that to me. I had enough. I get up off the floor and make my way to Lucifer's office. "Yo human where you going ." Mammon ask while jumping up to his feet and following me. "I'm going to put Lucifer in his place." I said as I storm down the hall. Reaching his door I didn't even knock I swung it open.

Lucifer was at his desk and when he saw that I swung his door open he was shocked. "Listen here you stupid bitch." I started off. "Just cause your the eldest and is diavolo lap dog doesn't mean you can disrespect me." I say. By now all of the brothers have came out of there room to watch the show.

"Who in the hell are you talking too." Lucifer said as he stood up and walk around the desk. "I'm talking to you , you been being mean towards me ever since the stupid attic situation." I say as I walk closer to Lucifer. I can see smoke steaming from his eyes but I didn't care. "You been acting like a little bitch ever since-." Lucifer caught me off by grabbing my collar and pulling me closer to him.

He lean close to my face. "Watch what you say to me y/n." His words sent chills down my spine but I still didn't care. "What are you gonna do." I say as he look in his face. His eyes darken. "All of you to your rooms NOW." He said. I look back and everyone was going to their rooms. "My you rest in peace y/n." Mammon said. " Yup you piss Lucifer off now." Asmo said.

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