parallel world 4

92 11 3

Tae gasped for air but jungkook kept tightening his grip.

" That's what you made me feel everyday... That's how I felt like I was dying, alone in the big house. You kim taehyung YOU made me feel pathetic like I don't deserve to love. You made my life living hell.... You deserve the pain... I HATE YOU. "jungkook shouts while squeezing his throat with his full strength tae felt his vision blurry....and he passed out.

" JUNGKOOK " tae shouts and wakes up panting heavily. He looked around.... He is in his room.

Tae wiped the sweat from his forehead.... It was his worst nightmare ever.

He got up and went to shower after that he went outside his room, looking at his surroundings carefully.

He went down stairs and his nose filled with the heavenly smell of breakfast.

He went there and sat on the chair careful without making any sounds just so he could hear his husband's humming.

" O.. You came. I will finish in a second sorry I woke up a little late. " jungkook said when he looked at Taehyung sitting on the chair. He is sure that he will get yelled by his husband for late breakfast.

He quickly decorated the plate and took it to Taehyung, putting the plate in front of him.

Tae look at the plate Silently.....,......Strawberry pancakes.
He keeps looking at the plate remembering his dream.

When jungkook saw that tae is just staring at the plate he got panick if the breakfast is not tae's favorite but as far as he know tae loves strawberry pancakes.

" I- i am s- sorry if you don't like it. Mom told me you l- love strawberry pancakes so i made this... I am s- sor......... " jungkook stop rambling when he saw that tae started to eat his breakfast silently.

jungkook breath in relief and sat down on the chair looking at.. He wants to say something but he is afraid. Still he thought to try.

" M-mom... Called me this morning mmm... She wants to know if you are free  this week end. " He said looking at tae how is eating while looking down, jungkook can't really see his face.

Tae again strted to remember his dream how jungkook disrespect his parents calling them with names but that was just a bad bad dream..... jungkook loves his parents like his own. And the reality is its taehyung who didn't rispect his parents after his marriage. He don't remember when the last time his mother call him? May be she stop trying when he willingly didn't pick her calls for days. And his dad? When the last time he saw his dad comming to compant with happy face? It all changed after his marriage and the reason was not jungkook but taehyung himself.

" T-taehyung? " Jungkook said when he saw tae stop eating.... Is he angry? jungkook thought.

" It-its okay if you are not free. I will tell mom that you don't have tim..... " He cutted by when tae chowked on the food... Atleast that's what jungkook thought.

" Omg wait drink water. " He said and get up from his seat and pass taehyung the water while rubbing his back with worries face.

Tae didn't up his face and continues Coughing then jungkook grab his chin to make him look up and the other hand he hold the glass.

The moment jungkook saw taehyung's face his heart broke into peaces. Tears are flowing like river, red eyes, running nose and red lips because of continues biting he did to control his sobbs.

Then jungkook realize that tae was crying silently all the time.

" What happened? " Jungkook cupped his face gently. But tae just hugged him tighly

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