Chapter 1: One Year Later

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Third person's POV


20 year old Neteyam was flying on his Ikran with the wind blowing against his face while he looked over at his younger siblings, he had been riding for hours at this point of his families journey and they had skipped some breaks to keep up with the times. Neteyam then rubbed one of his hands against his Ikran before the family had traveled to their destination as a marvellous society came into view. All of their Banshees flew over some of the massive and circled thick roots in the water as the clear and blue waves splashed against them. The whole family could hear the sounds of the Metkayina people making some calling noises as some of the Metkayina people were down in the little water pools and their attention was drawn onto the family. The view of the Metkayina clan's home base was coming into Neteyam's eyesight now as the group's Banshees flew closer and closer to the sandy beach before the sound of a horn being blown was heard and it was most likely for their arrival at the water dwelling Na'vi of the Metkayina clan. The Sully family had directed their Banshees to land onto the beaches sand and directly in front of where all of the Marui pods and the Awa'atlu was on the shoreline of the beach. It was marked by the beautiful and the artfully woven structures that were clustered amongst the sheltering roots of the giant mangrove-like trees. The reefs were seen everywhere, protecting the homes and the water-dwelling Na'vi people from the crashing waves. Neteyam then gently yipped at his Banshee as he lands onto the sand where the clear water would sometimes wash up onto it.

Neteyam then jumped down from his Banshee and he lands onto the warm sand as he goes to join his younger brother's side. "Hey, leave it" Jake said to his wife who had grabbed her bow and an arrow in case as they saw the whole clan running towards them. "On me" Jake said to Neteyam, Kiri and Lo'ak as Neytiri places her weapon away and they followed behind the adults before Jake puts his arms out as he was showing no harm while the Metkayina Na'vi people had began to surround them. As more of the oceanic Na'vi people had gathered around them, a young adult man and a teenage boy had pushed through the crowd with the young adult man having a half-up and half-down bun hairstyle with some braids and the teenage boy having a fluffy hairstyle on top of his head. The one with the half-up and half-down bun hairstyle then walks past Neteyam and Lo'ak while he was staring at them as his eyes lingered on the pair before the Sully brothers do the greeting hand signal in respect but they stopped when the older young adult didn't do it back to them. "Easy, easy, just be cool" Jake said to his family as all of the oceanic Na'vi people were looking at them and examining their different features. The oceanic Na'vi young adult and the oceanic Na'vi teenage boy were laughing with each other as they saw the tails on the newcomers while they were both standing behind the brothers as their tails swished faster at the sight of the oceanic Na'vi pair glancing more at their features.

Neteyam then rolled his eyes at the pair's laughter since he didn't like the attention on him by the oceanic Na'vi people but his attention is taken away when he hears the water splashing next to him before he looks over at the water on his right side and he saw a beautiful young adult human girl coming out from the clear water before he watches the girl breaking the surface of the water, flicking her wet hair out of her face and when she blinks, Neteyam watches in wonder as he saw that she was able to breathe Pandora's air and she didn't have a oxygen mask on her face before he noticed a oceanic Na'vi girl walking with the human girl and he looked back at his younger brother who was staring at the oceanic Na'vi girl before he looked down at the ground with a embarrassed look on his face making Neteyam look at Lo'ak with a smirk on his face since he could tell that Lo'ak likes the oceanic Na'vi girl as a crush. "It's too small, how are they supposed to swim?" Rotxo, the oceanic Navi teenage boy said to Aonung, the one next to him as he points at Neteyam's tail causing for Aonung to laugh in agreement with his best friend. "Enough, stop that, Roxto, Aonung" Tsireya, the Na'vi girl who had came out of the water said to the pair in a scolding voice while she was hitting her older brother's arm in warning as they stopped their teasing. "Seriously, Tsireya, they're just having some fun" Siobhan, the human girl said to her younger sister as she wrapped a plain black short sarong around her waist since she was wearing a plain black one-piece bathing suit before the human girl glanced over at Neteyam as he was staring at her before he said to her in a flirty tone "Hey" The human girl then rolled her eyes at Neteyam as Tsireya nudged her older sister's side with a giggle at her older sister finally getting some attention from a guy.

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