Chapter 7: The sky people

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Third person's POV

Lo'ak was walking across the edge of the Marui dock as he clicks his tongue and he calls for his Ilu before his Ilu sees him and he greets his rider by diving under the water and reappearing near the edge of the dock. Lo'ak knew that he shouldn't be doing this but he didn't have any other choice and he just hoped that his family understood what he was doing was the right thing to do. Lo'ak then goes to grab a saddle of the hanger and he was unclipping it and he clicks at his Ilu who chirps back at his rider as he slips the saddle onto his Ilu while he was patting under the sea creature's mouth before he goes to turn around and he grabbed something but he stopped when he saw Neteyam walking over to him and he said to his younger brother "No way that you're running off, baby brother" Lo'ak then said to his older brother "I have to go and warn Payakan about the pingers" Neteyam then walked closer to his younger brother with his beads swinging around himself while he said to Lo'ak "No, we've got to keep your skxawng ass here" Lo'ak then scoffs at his older brother before he said to Neteyam while he gestured to himself as he holds something in one of his own hands "He's an outcast, there's nobody to warn him but me" "Bro, why do you always have to make things really hard?" Neteyam asked Lo'ak in a joking voice with a chuckle and he placed one of his hand on top of Lo'ak's head before Lo'ak pushed Neteyam's hand off from his head and he glared up at his older brother while he asked Neteyam "No, you mean, why can't I be the perfect son like you?" Neteyam's lips then went into a straight line while he was nodding his head as he moves back just a little bit with a clenched jaw before Lo'ak shouted at him "The perfect little soldier!, well, I'm not you!, okay?" Neteyam then approached his younger brother with a scowling and an angry look on his face as he gets up into Lo'ak's face causing for Lo'ak to back up just a little bit away from Neteyam before Lo'ak's voice dropped to a lower sound and he said to Neteyam while he gestured towards the water "I'm not you, he's my brother and I'm going!" Lo'ak then turned around and he began to walk off but Neteyam stopped him and he grabbed onto one of Lo'ak's arms to turn him back around to himself while he said to Lo'ak and he pointed at himself while they just stared at each other "Oh, he's your brother?, no, I'm your brother!"

Tsireya, Siobhan, Aonung and Rotxo then arrived at the same time on their Ilus and they jumped onto the platform while they hopped off from their Ilus as Tsireya shouted at Lo'ak "Lo'ak!" "Get off from me" Lo'ak said to Neteyam as he pulls his arm away from his older brother before Lo'ak looks over at Tsireya and he dives into the ocean and he quickly grabbed onto his Ilu. "Come on!, he's going to Payakan!" Neteyam said to the rest of the group as he slapped Aonung's chest to get the rest of the group's attention since the reef prince was closer to him before Siobhan moves over the edge of the dock and she calls out to Tiana and she saw a familiar head poking out of the water with a happy chirp. "Good girl!, Tiana!" Siobhan said to her best friend before Neteyam walked over to the human girl and he grabbed onto one of her arms as he stopped her from going into the water before she turned around to look at him as he said to her "You should stay here, it's too dangerous for you to come with us" "No, I'm going, I'm the tsakarem and it's my job to look after my people" Siobhan said to Neteyam as he looked down at her before he nodded at her and the human girl dived into the ocean while she grabbed onto Tiana and the rest of the group quickly copies her moves. The whole group then began to follow after Lo'ak who much ahead in front of them before Siobhan makes a clicking noise in her throat to urge Tiana to go faster as she was in front of the group with Neteyam right next to her. Lo'ak then broke the surface of the water with an exhale and he looked back at the rest of the group who were following him while he was feeling bad for leaving the rest of the group behind but this has to be done before Lo'ak looked over at his left side to see his sisters riding an Ilu together and he heard Tuk cheering out-loud to him while Tuk had brighten up at the sight of seeing her brother and she waved at him while she shouted at him "Lo'ak!, Hey!" However, the poor girl was ignored by her older brother as he dived back into the water. "Lo'ak!" Kiri yelled to her younger brother and she was wondering what was going on as she saw the rest of the group following behind Lo'ak in a hurried way. "Lo'ak's going to find Payakan!" Neteyam said to Kiri before he dives back into the water with Siobhan. "Wait up!" Kiri shouted at her older brother while she was watching the rest of the group going under the water before she said to Tuk as she wrapped an arm around her younger sister and Tuk held on tightly to her older sister before they followed after the rest of the group "Hold on!"

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