Chapter 8: Trapped on the ship

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Third person's POV

Tuk was by herself as she swims into an air pod and she started gasping for some deep breathes with the water dripping down her face. She was holding onto the edge of the pod while she was calming herself down from the earlier events when suddenly, Lo'ak had appeared beside her causing for the younger girl to release a startled scream. "Tuk!" Lo'ak said out-loud to her while he was breathing heavily as relief filled his face at the sight of seeing his youngest sister before Siobhan had appeared next to him and Tsireya had appeared on her other side. "Tuk, you're alright" Tsireya breathed out-loud and she placed a hand onto the younger girl's wet cheek resulting in Tuk latching onto her and she hugged the older girl tightly since she was happy that she wasn't alone anymore. Siobhan then popped her head under the water for just a short time and she saw the incoming sky people before she looked back up at the rest of the group while she said to everyone with her eyes going wide in a warning tone "It's coming!" "We've got to go!" Lo'ak said out-loud to everyone before the four of them take in some deep breathes to calm themselves down and the four of them entered the water below while they were swimming away from the air pocket.

Unfortunately for them, another crab suit came from under the air bubble and it found them as it moves the seaweed out of the way. On her right side, Siobhan had noticed another crab suit heading straight for them and the human girl urged for the rest of the group to swim away from it as they turned around to the left and they swim away more from the machines and their bright lights as Siobhan grabbed Tuk and she propelled her in front of them before the sky people inside the crab suit had fired a net and it expands and it ends up around them as they tried to rush out of it and Lo'ak was the only person to escape the net as he just barely did from the edges and the three girls got tangled inside it. Siobhan then made a panicked noise and she grabbed onto Tuk as she tried to push the younger girl through the gaps but it wasn't working and it resulted in Tuk to make a scared sound and she latched onto the young adult while Lo'ak was trying to grasp the net in his hands as his eyes met the two older girls round and frightened eyes and he became desperate to get the girls out of the net now as he knew that he had to get Siobhan out of the net for his older brother. Quaritch and Lyle then dived into the water on their Banshees and Quaritch grabbed onto the net with the Banshees claws before Lo'ak was holding onto the net tightly as it started to get pull upwards, out of the water and into the air while they were flown around roughly as the three girls held onto each other with Siobhan in the middle and Lo'ak yelled at the three girls to hold on. "Lo'ak!, Use your knife!" Siobhan shouted at him while she was trying to keep the two younger girls closer to her sides as they were being thrown around roughly in the net and Lo'ak had listened to what the tsakarem had said to him and he took out his knife as the three girls urged him to hurry as he cuts the net with it but the net was really thick and he couldn't make a mark and he couldn't even cut through the metal net.

While he was trying to do this, the net had arrived onto the ship as it was being lowered down and Tuk screening out-loud in a scared tone while many of the Avatar soldiers were holding their guns as they landed and Lo'ak stood over Tsireya's laying down body with his knife bared and he hissed threateningly at them. Lo'ak then goes to lunge at one of them but the Avatar deflected his attack and he hits him in his arm as he grabs him and he shoves Lo'ak to the ground by stopping the agitated teenager. Meanwhile, Siobhan, Tsireya and Tuk were escaping from the net and they were fighting back the Avatars that were trying to restrain them while they were yelling out-loud. An Avatar had grabbed Siobhan by her neck causing for the human girl to lash out and she headbutts his nose as she threw herself back into his body. The Avatar then groaned painfully at her hits and he was cursing at her as he lets go of her before she takes off as she grabbed Tsireya's dropped knife and the human girl turned around before she crouched in a threatening way and she hissed at the Avatars just like Neytiri did when she defended Jake just several years ago.

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