Chapter 9: Gunshot wound

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Third person's POV

In the ocean near the sky people's main ship, Tuk and Tsireya had spotted Kiri yelling out-loud as an Ikran grabbed her by her claws and it brought her back onto the ship's deck. Kiri was let go by the Ikran's claws as she was dropped down onto the ground with a groan with her ankle rolling from the high drop. Kiri then tried to get up and run away but the same Ikran had forced her down by it's claws and she fought back against it with a yell. Lyle then hopped down from his Ikran and he grabbed her by her arms and he forced her up from the floor while he said to her "Let's go, buttercup, get up" "I'm not your buttercup, prev!" Kiri shouted at him while she was shoving herself back to fight the hold as Lyle leads her inside the ship more and towards a yellow railing before Kiri was forced down roughly as she yells out-loud and she looks hopelessly at her hands as they were being tied up onto the railing by Lyle. As he finished doing this, he went away somewhere while Kiri lets out a heavy sigh with her ears flickering in frustration.

Later on....

Near the edge of the ship, Tsireya's head popped out from the water while she was looking out to spot if any of the soldiers were close as Tuk appeared next to her. Tuk then pulls herself out of the water and she was getting up onto the ship's floor as Tsireya exclaims her protests but she follows along close to the younger girl. The pair then kept low to the floor while they were passing by some of the Avatars and the soldiers as they were successfully sneaking by them and they arrived at where Kiri was being held as a hostage. "Kiri!" Tuk whisper-yelled to her older sister as she quickly made her way over to Kiri with Tsireya. "Tuk!, what are you doing here?" Kiri asked her younger sister in a whisper as she saw Tuk and Tsireya coming over to her before Tsireya hops over the yellow railing onto the other side as Tuk doesn't answer her older sister while the pair quickly tried to break the cuffs around Kiri's hands. However while they were distracted, they didn't notice an angry Quaritch coming up behind them with a scowl displayed on his face before he went behind them and he roughly grabbed Tuk who screamed while Tsireya tried to desperately grab Tuk back with some cries but the Avatar just shoved her into the water below which was connected to the ocean. Tuk just fought against Quaritch as Kiri yells at him for attacking her younger sister but another Avatar comes up to them and she takes Tuk as she gets tied up against the railing beside her sister while she said to her boss "I've got her" Quaritch then looks at his team members doing this while he was breathing heavily and he nods his head strongly while he said to his team members "We can still get this done" "Hell yeah" The one restraining Tuk said to her leader as she holds up her gun again from her side before Tuk said as she was moving her hands around that were in the cuffs against the railing "Ugh, I can't believe that I'm tied up again!" Under the water where they were above her, Tsireya was quick to recover from being thrown violently into the ocean and she made a throaty and a clicking noise since she hoped to call an Ilu nearby her. Tsireya had thought that she was calling her own Ilu but an familiar Ilu was already lurking around in the water for her owner. Tiana then appeared beside her with a worried and a loud click. Tsireya had understood that Tiana was hanging around because she had a feeling that Siobhan was in danger and she reached out for the saddle on her resulting in Tiana letting the teenager hop on her as they quickly sped off.

Later on....

Up high somewhere near the ship, Siobhan, Neteyam and Lo'ak were holding onto the beams above the soldiers and they crawled across them upside down. When the two young adults and the teenager had heard the yells of the sky people below them. They had stopped moving and they made sure to stay quiet before Siobhan's eyes made contact with Neteyam's eyes and they stared at each other before they moved towards an area up top where they could walk on above the sky people. The boys then helped Siobhan up onto the yellow beams as Neteyam leads the group with his knife in hand while Lo'ak held his gun in his hand and the trio stopped at the ledge of the beams while they spotted Spider with some of the soldiers. The two Na'vi boys and the human girl then shared a look as the sky people and Spider were just about to pass under them but before Neteyam could signal to jump down, Siobhan was already jumping down and she landed down onto the ground with a commando roll before she elbowed one of the sky people in his face that was coming at her as Neteyam's eyes went wide while he was watching her and he was impressed before the Sully brothers quickly jumped down to join her while they were dealing with their own sky people too. Neteyam had shoved one away into the water that was coming up behind Siobhan as she kicked another one away in the stomach and both soldiers landed into the ocean. Lo'ak had knocked one out with his gun and he was yelling as he does this and he swung at another one near Spider while Siobhan punched the last one away that was behind Lo'ak and she winching as she did that from the hit on her knuckles. Spider had immediately joined the fight as he saw them and he took off some of the soldiers oxygen masks off and he punched one in the face with a grunt.

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