Chapter 5: The Tulkun's return

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Third person's POV

The next day....

After the two girls accidents, the Sully family was keeping their watchful eyes on Kiri with the thought of almost losing her had the whole family on edge which lead to them to being more protective over Kiri. Currently, on the inside area of their Marui, the Sully family was packing away some things as Lo'ak was rolling up a rug and Kiri was sitting down on the floor as she was packing away some stuff too. The sound of the familiar seashell horn blowing in the air caught their attention as the Sully family stops what they were doing and they walked outside to see what was happening in the village as Tuk asks her father while they looked outside to see all of the oceanic Na'vi up and moving about in excitement "What was that?" A lot of the green Na'vi people were diving off the Marui's edges as Siobhan was on Tiana in a white one-piece swimsuit with black dots all over the swimsuit and a bow was wrapped on the back part of the bathing suit around her waist and she was wearing her pearl headband on her head to represent that she is the tsakarem and she was swimming slowly around the area as she was announcing to everyone "The Tulkun have returned!, everybody!, our brothers and sisters have returned!" In-between the massive and the round tree roots of the entrance to the oceanic Na'vi people's homes, many Tulkun had appeared as they were swimming through the gab towards where the people were as they were coming home to greet them. Tonowari was on his skimwing as he was flying above the water where one of the Tulkun was swimming as he makes a calling noise at it while he moves into a squatting position and he holds his spear with his spare hand. The Tulkun that was next to him, flips up and out of the water and he makes a noise of acknowledgement back to Tonowari and the clan leader raises his spear above his head while he yips back at the creature as he smiles brightly at his spirit brother. The Metkayina people had ended up joining them in water as a lot more of the people were either on their Ilus or their skimwings to welcome them back as many more of the beautiful creatures came flooding into the village.

"Look!, there's my spirit sister!" Siobhan said to Neteyam as the pair were in the water on their Ilus and they were swimming towards the animals before Neteyam followed the direction of where Siobhan was pointing and he saw a majestic Tulkun pushing it's head out of the water, flapping it's fins in greeting and it makes a pulsed call at the sight of seeing her soul sister, Siobhan. Neteyam then released an amazed breathe at the sight since he had never seen something more incredible than before in his life and it was definitely a sight to behold. Siobhan then leads Neteyam under the water as he follows her on his Ilu quickly and they dived under the water with many more of the oceanic Na'vi people. Neteyam's eyes went wide and bright as he took in the scene in front of him. Up above the surface was amazing but down here was even better. Many Tulkun were moving about in the water, flipping or just floating as many smaller Tulkun followed close behind their parents. Some oceanic Na'vi babies were playing around with the Tulkun and they were showing that everyone was getting involved with the Tulkun's return and to greet them. Neteyam and Siobhan then swim past Kiri and Tuk who were smiling happily at the pair in greeting as they were holding onto one of Rotxo's spirit brother's flippers and they were being directed by it as they were swimming in the water. Siobhan and Neteyam then turned to each other and they shared a equal thrilled grin as their Ilus swim closer together and they brought them side by side as Neteyam's Ilu felt his strong emotions flying through his bond for the human girl. Siobhan was still just a little bit shaken up by what happened to her just a few days ago but she had never felt such peace and calmness as she was witnessing the Tuulkun's return.

Later on....

"I met a boy, do you want to meet him?, he's really handsome" Siobhan was telling her spirit sister about Neteyam as she was signing to the wonderful creature since the pair had split up to explore different places and Siobhan was talking to her spirit sister while they were catching up with each other because they haven't each other for a whole year. Her spirit sister then makes a nod in agreement with her long tail flicking just a little bit in excitement to meet the new face. Siobhan then grins at her spirit sister's answer and she motions for Neteyam to come over as he swims up next to her on his Ilu before he climbs off from his Ilu and Neteyam's face pops out from behind Siobhan while he waves in an excited way to the Tulkun in front of him as the Tulkun watches him with her eyes and the Tulkun waves back to Neteyam with one of her front fins in greeting to Neteyam as she clicks loudly while Siobhan laughs in an overjoyed way at Neteyam's interaction with her spirit sister before her spirit sister chirped at her as Neteyam takes off on his Ilu to go and take some breathes of air "You chose well, he'll be a great mate to you, Siobhan" Siobhan's face then turned to embarrassment as she sighed to her spirit sister "Oh no, he's not my boyfriend or my mate, sister, he's just one of my new best friends" "I beg to differ, I can see the connection between you both since you both love each other just like your parents, sister, you both just don't know it yet" Siobhan's spirit sister chirped at her as Siobhan looks back at Neteyam and he stares at her with a smile on his face as she smiles back at him. Siobhan then slowly does a backflip in the water as her spirit sister copies her and Neteyam stares at her with a loving expression on his face from just above the surface of the water as he felt really happy for Siobhan.

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