Chapter 4: A near death experience

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Third person's POV

It was later that same day as Siobhan, Tsireya and Rotxo were leading Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk through the clear ocean on their Ilus while Siobhan was on Tiana and the human girl was wearing a one-piece black bathing suit that had a patten of dark pink leaves on the bathing suit as she swims through the water on her Ilu. Neteyam was on his Ilu and Kiri and Tuk were sharing a ilu as they followed Siobhan, Tsireya and Rotxo. The group then broke the water's surface as they were under a massive rock that had a small gap for them to travel underneath before Siobhan pushes her wet hair out of her face and she pats Tiana's head in a gentle way. "We are here" Siobhan said to them with a bright smile on her face as she shows her teeth more to the group while Neteyam smiles back at her. What was seen in front of the group almost stole their breaths away as their eyes lighten up at the magnificent view. The Cove of the Ancestors, the sacred site of the Metkayina clan, there were many floating islands everywhere as the mountains curved perfectly around to showcase the beautiful place. All of the things that were located in the cove had shrubbery and greenery growing on them. "This is the Cove of the Ancestors, our most sacred place, eclipse is the best time of the day to be here" Tsireya said to everyone as the blue Na'vi all take in the unique sight which was much different to their one in the forest. The sun was slowly going down behind the moon as a darker shade of light started to take over the area and it caused for Siobhan to place a hand up in front of her face to block out the sun's last light before Neteyam glanced over at the stunned Siobhan and he felt his heart fluttering as he watched how the sun's last light was giving her a even more ethereal look before he felt his own lips turn upwards more and he saw her massive grin at him. Neteyam had thought that she looked really beautiful in that moment and even more than she already does look beautiful for him.

Later on....

With the eclipse starting now, the darkness had taken over as the water was illuminated now and everything else became more alive. In the middle of the cove, there was a glowing purple light down below and it was a glowing purple tree below the surface of the water. It was shaped differently and placed differently to the one back in the forest but the calmness and the connection was still felt by the blue Na'vi people. The group then swim closer to the tree on their Ilus as the Na'vi peoples dot patterns that were scattered all over them were now illuminated by the darkness. "This is it, this is the spirit tree" Siobhan said to the Sully siblings as she motions to the glowing purple tree down below them before they slide off from their Ilus as they waited above for their riders and the young adults, teenagers and Tuk were swimming down below towards the spirit tree. Siobhan was leading the group as she turns on her backside to motion for Kiri to connect her queue to the tree treads as the two oldest girls of their families swim up close to it. Kiri then grins in acknowledgement and she grabs her queue in one hand while the other hand was gently touching the glowing tread as she goes to join them together in the middle. Siobhan then reached out towards the glowing tread in front of her with one of her hands before the tree tread began to glow brightly at her touch and she felt a sense of peace wash over herself with her heartbeat being steady and calm as she looks up at the purple tree and she just slowly closed her eyes.

Within a matter of moments, the human girl was walking through a scientist's lab before she heard the sounds of some voices talking amongst themselves. The human girl then bent down low before she crawled through the lab and she heard the sound of a man's voice saying to someone else "No, we can't keep her, she will be a danger to everyone here" "Preston, she's just a baby" "Sloane, she's not like the other human babies here, I don't even think that she's a human at all" "Don't say that" A woman's voice said to the man as Siobhan peeked around the corner to see a older man and a older woman talking to themselves about a human baby girl before Preston said to Sloane "Alright, fine, what do you want to do with her?" "She's our baby, Preston!, she's our daughter!" "Hush, you'll wake her up, she's asleep" Preston said to his wife before she said to him "I don't care, she's our daughter, she may not be like the other babies but I don't care because she's special to me!" "Ever since she was born, she's been your top priority!" "That's because she's my daughter, she's our daughter!" "Well, she isn't my daughter to me!" Preston then picked up a baby girl into his arms before his wife said to him "Wait, what are you doing with her?" "I'm getting rid of her, that's what I'm doing!" "Preston, stop!, she's our daughter!, if you want to get rid of her, you're just going to have to go through me!" Sloane said to Preston as she took the baby girl in her arms before she runs off and Siobhan watched as the older woman took off running while Preston shouted at her "Fine!, if you leave with her, I will hunt you down and I will kill you!"

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