Chapter 11: Consuming Revenge

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Third person's POV

The sky people's ships was still set aflame by the ever-growing fire as the Avatars and the soldiers on board had moved out to cover more ground with their guns up high and ready to fire since they knew who was coming to them. Down below in the water, Jake was swimming with his spear and Spider was with him as he was directing the Na'vi man towards where his daughters were on the ship. Neytiri was already on the massive ship and she was taking out some of the sky people as she was trying to look out for Siobhan since Jake and Neytiri couldn't see her which worried them a lot. Jake was on the ship now and he was keeping low behind the loose bits off the ship as he was listening to Quaritch talking through the earpiece and he spotted some of the Avatars nearby before he takes a deep breathe and he was standing up just a little bit behind his cover and he unclips his grenade attached to his vest before he pulling the clip off and he threw it into the helicopter's engine before Jake was quickly making his way far from the incoming explosion and he was yelling out to Spider to get down as he slides down from the tilted deck and he lands behind some lower cover on the broken ship with Spider. Just a few seconds later, the place where he threw the grenade had ended up exploding, creating more fire and loose parts from the ship and taking out some of the Sea-dragon and most of the sky people around as a few of the Avatars just a few feet away had lost their balance from the force of the hit. As some of the sky people in their metal suits go to help their fellow injured people, Jake had appeared from out of the smoke with his spear and he stabs some of the enemies with it and he killed them with it as he stabs an Avatar with the spear making the Avatar trapped to the deck. Jake then pulls out his gun and he fires at the sky people beside him as he runs for cover before the other Avatars began to fire their guns back at him. At the same time, Neytiri was using her bow to throw the sky people away and she attacked some of the sky people who were trying to fire at her.

Up above in the sky on a familiar dragon, Siobhan appeared on Bloom and she jumped off from her mid air before she landed onto the deck and she did a commando roll down the stairs before she shouts out-loud as she fires her bow and an arrow at one of the Avatars who yelped in pain at the hit while she was trying to pull the arrow out of her leg. Siobhan then runs over to the many sky people around herself with a raged expression on her face as she swings her bow at one of them, knocking him away and she sticks her arrow into the other one, picking him up by it and she fires another arrow at the Avatar who was about to shoot at her and she killed the pair in one go. Siobhan then huffed a breath of air and she was blowing her hair out of her face as she makes her way over to where the arrow was in the Avatar's eye. Siobhan than grunts before she pulled the feathered arrow out of it and she was looking up as she hears some incoming footsteps before Jake and Neytiri appeared from around the corner and they were carrying their weapons as they shared a quick relieved look at the sight of seeing Siobhan being alright but she was far from that right now. All the young adult saw was red and nothing else was in her sights as her urges were to kill everyone on this god forsaking ship before Siobhan places her arrow into her bow and she was avoiding Jake and Neytiri staring at her as Neytiri went to grab the human girl but she was already running off to satisfy her need for revenge. "She's lost it, we've got to keep our watch on her" Jake said to his mate with a heavy frown who was horridly glancing over in the direction that Siobhan had taken off in by herself before Neytiri nodded her head at her husband since she already knew what to do as she places her arrow into her father's bow and Jake squeezes her arm before he disappeared to take out some more of the enemies too.

Later on....

Siobhan then leaped over the railing on the off-balance ship and she places a hand on the metal part for some balance and she lands onto some more stairs with a grunt. The human girl didn't know why but when she saw Jake and Neytiri, they both seemed to be a lot calmer then she was right now and it made her confused and angry since they just lost their oldest son and she didn't know why they weren't as mad as she was right now. Quaritch then sees the young adult creeping along the stairs and he aims his gun at her and he starts to shoot some bullets causing for Siobhan to growl under her breath and she jumped down for some cover. Siobhan then slides along one of the sky people's machines and she landed down behind one onto the metal floor as many more guns were fired at her. "This could've gone better" Siobhan muttered to herself and she was gritting her teeth as the gun fire made her close her eyes because of the loudness before she heard the sky people moving around to her as the Avatar that was there had shouted some orders at them. When the sky person got closer to where she was hiding, she leaps out with her bow aimed and she shouts out-loud as she fires an arrow into his chest resulting in the sky person being knocked down and it was another kill for her. "To the left!, Go!" The Avatar orders while he was making some hand signals and the two sky people were doing what they were told to do by him with their guns out to fire at the young adult and they started to surround around her position. "Who's got eyes?!" One of the soldiers shouted in a panicked voice as they surround the human girl but they couldn't spot her anywhere, Siobhan then runs across one of the machines laying on the ground as she sneaks up behind one of the soldiers and she was glaring with hatred as she goes to fire another one of her arrows with a shout.

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