Chapter 12: The reunion

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Third person's POV

The glowing fish under the water had split off into many different directions to light up the way as Siobhan motioned for Kiri to follow after her towards the glowing creatures. The two girls then swim towards the glowing fish as they ended up near the sunken boat again and they followed the creatures that were lighting up a path right into the ship. Siobhan's Na'vi dots everywhere over her human skin were pulsing just like a wave again as the little fish swim around her and with her by leading the tsakarem and Kiri towards where some familiar faces were trapped in the ship. Many sky peoples dead bodies were floating in the water and some of the bodies still had some weapons and some arrows wedged in them reminding the human girl that she had killed some of them and would have that sin with her forever. However, she would never feel guilty or sorry for what she did to them as they took someone from her and it was someone that meant everything and more to her. As the yellow glowing fish kept swimming through the ship and they lead the two girls closer to the middle of it. Tuk had saw the illuminating creatures coming towards her and Neytiri's way and she gasped in pure awe at the sight of seeing the beautiful light show under the cold water. Tuk just knew that this was a signal coming from something that was coming towards them and she takes a deep breath of air before ducking under the surface of the water to see Siobhan and Kiri coming around the corner from where they were stuck in the ship. Siobhan had noticed the younger girl staring at her happily as the young adult grabbed onto the side of the ship and she grins brightly in relief of finding them before Siobhan turns her head to the side and her hair swishes in the way that she went with the water before she pointed at Tuk when Kiri came up next to her.

Tuk had thought that Siobhan looked just like a real princess with her shell headpiece on her head despite the human girl being the tsakarem with the jellyfish creature on her back and the way that her dots moved and the way that the fish illuminated around her entire figure before she reached out with her hand and she outstretched it for them as the two girls swim up to where Tuk was with Neytiri. "Hi" Siobhan breathed out-loud with a small warm grin when she appeared above the water with one of her hands in Tuk's hand as Kiri appeared beside the older girl with an expression just like the human's face at the sight of seeing her adopted mother and younger sister. Neytiri's ears then flatten against her head with relief instantly washing over herself as the two girls had found her and Tuk before she said to the human girl and her oldest daughter "Siobhan!, Kiri!" "Everything is going to be alright, little sister" Kiri reassured her younger sister in a reassuring voice as she touched her elbow under the water and she turns to her adopted mother while she said to her "Mum, I'm going to give this to you" Kiri then takes off the jellyfish creature from her back as she gently passed it to her mother and she places it onto Neytiri's back as she said to her "It will help you" As Siobhan was just finishing giving her jellyfish creature to Tuk for support when she noticed Neytiri's hesitant face about going under the water again before she said to the older woman in a smoothing tone while she was trying her best to comfort the adult through her own ever growing pain "Trust us, calm your heart, deep breaths" The other three people had listened to her instructions as they took some deep breaths in and out while they were calming their fast heartbeats down. Once Siobhan knew that they were ready, she took Tuk's arms in her hands and she nodded at Neytiri while she said to the older woman "Follow me and Kiri"

As she said those words, Siobhan's head went under the water again with Kiri going next and the other two were quick to follow their lead. The little glowing fish were underneath Siobhan's body again, lighting up the way for her as she shined just a like a beacon again and she was alerting some of the figures who were still trying to swim out from inside the boat. The human girl had one arm around Tuk's smaller frame as she helps her with swimming towards the surface and Kiri was on the other side of Tuk with Neytiri following behind the three girls. They just kept swimming at a steady pace throughout the bottom of the flipped ship and when they got to the last corner, Siobhan just gently pushed Tuk forward with Kiri taking her younger sister now and the tsakarem turned back around to make sure that Neytiri was still right behind them. The school of fish had flocked out everywhere from outside the ship, glimmering and shining just like a thousand stars in the night sky against the clear blue water. The four girls underneath the water had swam up the whole way to the surface and they broke it with some breathes of air as they gasped out-loud and they looked around for the others through the fierce fire surrounding them while Siobhan's spots had disappeared from all over her body again without a trace and her stab wound had magically healed without a trace of the stab wound. "Ma Jake!" Neytiri shouted out-loud as she saw the rest of her family resting on Payakan in the water and she swims over to them before the three girls joined her with swimming over to the other two as Kiri helped Tuk with getting onto Payakan's fin and Jake grabbed onto Neytiri's outstretched hand and he pulled his wife onto the creature's fin before the pair looked over at Siobhan who was hesitate about joining the family but regardless, Jake and Neytiri pulled the human girl over to them and they kept her in-between them as they looked at each other with small nods in agreement that Siobhan would always be an honourable member of the Sully family before the whole family were comforting each other.

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