Chapter 1... Boat ride (Edited)

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This is my first story, so it may not be perfect.. but imma try anyways. I'll see what people think first then maybe I'll keep it going. And I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE ART USED. Just wanted to say that. But anyways, enjoy!

Btw... This story was edited a lot after published. Just letting you know.

???: "I'm not crazy! I know what I saw! You have to believe me!"

You were simply walking down the road to get some coffee when you heard a old man.. probably in his 50s, while you were 23. The man just kept yelling about a island.

???: "Don't go to Graveland! Don't go to Graveland! I saw a werewolf!" He screamed at everyone.

You try You're best to ignore him... But now you wanted to know more about "Graveland".


You're heading towards a volcanic island on a boat.. You wore a leather jacket, a black Tshirt and blue jeans... The crazy man yelling about it has really gotten you curious about what exactly this island was, so you decided to do research about the island. You found out that people have actually gone missing on it, and apparently there is treasure somewhere on the island. The island was named "Graveland." Due to how many people have gone missing and presumed dead... You didn't think it was a very good name.. but Whatever is on the island, it clearly made the old guy insane.

If there was truly treasure, then you needed it.. because you recently got fired from you past job which was working at a aquarium. They said they couldn't pay there employees anymore.. which was total bullshit, and You had trouble finding a new job after that.. So this may save you...

???: "You think the rumors are true?"

A young adult asked you.. He was the guy that was driving the boat to the island. His name was Andy. He was probably about 25 years old and he wore a pink Hawaiian shirt with small trees on it and blue jeans.

Y/N: "Only one way to found out." You respond

Andy: "You know, my brother was like you.. he was curious about the island so he took a helicopter ride there.. that was 2 years ago, and neither did him or the helicopter ever return."

Y/N: "Goddamn.. I'm sorry that happened.. But I want to know what makes this place so dangerous, and if the treasure is true."

Andy: "maybe some things are better off unsolved. However, I'm only coming with you because I want to know about my brother. For some reason, he always liked to go by his last name."

You started wondering if maybe you should turn back around.. but you could already see the island and the volcano in the distance, and if there is treasure... Then you need that money.. so you were determined...

Andy: "Why do you want the treasure so bad?" Andy asked

Y/N: "Because, I need the cash so I can live a life.. it's tough nowadays."

Andy: "Okay... But it could be risky. People have gone missing here, are you absolutely sure about this?"

Y/N: "It'll be worth it."

Andy gives you a weird look, but he was already close to the island.. so turning around would just be a waste of time, and he needed to learn about his brother. However, he's still not certain about going to the island.


Andy: "Okay, we're here." Andy says as he grabs his bag full of supplies

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