Chapter 2... Hide and seek

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I'm not too sure how I feel about chapter 1.. I probably could've done better, but I'm pretty happy with this one. I also added a few things after publishing just like chapter 1.. So Enjoy!

You sit near the burning boat and think about what You're going to do..

Y/N: "I have to find Andy.. I can't just leave him to die... Unless..."

You try not to think about that. You think about going back to where the arrow was, but that could be dangerous. Somebody is out there, and you don't know where... But you don't know what else to do.

You get up

Y/N: "Guess I should head back to where the arrow was. But I need to be extra careful.."

You start walking back into the forest. You occasionally keep looking over Your shoulder to make sure You're not being followed..

You get nervous as you approach the arrow on the tree.

Y/N: "Okay.. Let's see what I can find."

You look around for anything that might help you figure out where Andy went..

Eventually you find another arrow stuck in the ground. You look up ahead and see another arrow.

Y/N: "Maybe he started getting shot at, and ran in a different direction.."

You look around for footprints.. you saw some boot prints and more wolf tracks.

Maybe a wolf cut him off, and he started getting shot at by someone else. If that's the case then, there is a good chance he's injured because the wolf would've cought up to him.. especially if he got shot...

Y/N: "the tracks might lead me to him. But I need to be cautious because the hunter probably followed him too."

You carefully start following the tracks. You keep finding more arrows around, meaning You're probably going the right way.. but that also means there is a good chance he's hurt, but you still didn't see any blood.. so maybe not.


As you walk the sun starts to go down.

Y/N: "Shit.. maybe I should keep walking. Then again.. it'll probably be best if I get some rest."

You know how to start a fire. So you grab some sticks and set up a small campfire. You grab your bag and pull out some canned food and start eating. You're worried that whoever is out there will find you while you sleep.. and who knows what will happen then.

Y/N: "Maybe I can sleep in the trees. I'll be harder to spot up there."

You climb one of the trees and you find a good sturdy branch you might be able to sleep on. It won't be comfortable but it's better than laying on the grass praying you wake up in the morning.

You had a hard time getting some sleep.. but You're working with what you have. You should've have come here. This was a mistake. No wonder so many people go missing.. they may have been cooked alive by some savage man living here.. you start to think about all of the horrible things that might have happened here.

You wanted to cry due to how bad this situation was...

Y/N: "This island is bullshit.." You say to yourself.

You start to feel hopeless.. You're alone on a island with someone that may be anywhere at anytime.. and who knows what happened to Andy. The only reason why You're here is so you can find treasure that may not even exist. But if you were able to go back home.. you'll end up living on the streets..

Lost treasures (Furry x male human)Where stories live. Discover now