Chapter 6... Travelling

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As you walk back up the hill, you take off the executioners clothes and switch back to your old outfit. You didn't want to wear the clothes of a man that you killed..

You finally make it back up to the tents Anna and Sophie set up.

Anna spots you walking up to her. She notices that you're clearly tired.

Anna: "Oh hey! You made it back!"

Sophie hears Anna and turns around.

Sophie: "Oh! I was worried about you! How did it go?"

Y/N: "Fine..."

That was all you could say.

Anna: "They didn't hurt you too badly did they?"

Y/N: "No.. I'm good."

Sophie: "So did you find anything?"

You hand Sophie the map and the picture.

Y/N: "This was all I could find."

Sophie: "This is a map of the entire island.. wonder what all of these spots are."

Anna: "What is that picture though?"

Y/N: "I don't know. But I think I need to get some sleep."

Anna: "Yeah.. you look exhausted. We should get some rest."

You grab your bag and rifle and put it next to you in the tent as you lay on the bed..
Tomorrow is a new day, but what was the picture? It looked like a door, but what was behind it? And why did the red feathers have it?

You still have many questions and concerns, but for now.. get some rest.

Sophie: "Sleep well Y/N. I'll see you in the morning."

Sophie says as she peaks in your tent.

Y/N: "Night..."

You close your eyes and fall asleep.


???: "Please, don't do this..."

The man says as he lays helplessly on the ground. You don't answer.. you take your rifle with the bayonet and stab him in the head..

Again.. and again...

Then as the bayonet is in the poor mans skull, you pull the trigger and shoot him in the face. Blood splatters as you pull your bayonet out and you stand there as you stare at his unrecognizable face...

Then suddenly you wake up in a cold sweat and breathing heavily.

Y/N: "Oh... Thank God."

You felt relieved that it was just a nightmare.

You walk out of the tent and see a the beautiful sunrise in the horizon.

Y/N: "I guess it's not so bad after all."

The beauty of the sunrise was enough to make you feel more confident.. which is something you're going to need.

As you look at the sunrise you notice Sophie getting out of her tent.

Sophie: "Good morning Y/N!"

Y/N: "Morning." You say with a smile.

Sophie: "So what's the plan for today?"

Y/N: "I guess we should probably try to find where this picture is."

You still had no idea how you were going to leave the island.. but obviously whatever is behind the door must be important if the red feathers had to hide it.

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