Ending chapter... Down in flames

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Okay Soo... Sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed. The reason for it is because I'm kinda disappointed with how this story turned out. I felt like I could've done a better job with it.. but good news, I may do a rewrite in the future. I don't know when, but I'm working on another story that I'm a lot happier with how it's going so far. So I can focus on that more and maybe do a rewrite of this story in the future.

Enjoy! Even tho this is like the worse chapter in this story probably... :/


Y/N: "What the hell..."

You didn't know what to say about this. The lava coming out of the volcano was rushing through the trees, and it was getting closer to where you were.

You need to hurry.

You climb down from the tree and run down the path so you can get to the beach. You weren't sure what you're were going to do from there. By the time you find the wrecked ship, the lava may already be covering the island. Judging by what you saw, it looked like it was moving pretty fast.

You hear a loud boom come from the volcano. How were you going to get out of this? You don't have a way to get off the island.

You keep running but you trip on a tree root that was out of the ground a little. You didn't notice it due to the panic you were in.

You push yourself back up, but then see a glimpse of a furry figure standing before you, but you couldn't tell who it was because they give you a hard kick to your face.

You fall onto your back and you see who it was...

You fall onto your back and you see who it was

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Y/N: "You've got to be shitting me."

It was her again.. where did she even come from? Was she following you?

She slowly walk to you as you lay on your back.

Y/N: "How did you find me?"

???: "The Gods sent Laura to you."

Was she speaking in 3rd person? You stand up and you take a step back from her.

Y/N: "We don't have time for this! The lave is-"

Laura: "The lava flows down the hill and through the grass. It is our punishment for not bringing them what they want."

What happened to her? Why was she speaking in such a weird way?

Laura: "Our speaker is hunting you. You will die in his hands, and the Gods will set us free."

Y/N: "What the hell are you talking about? Nobody will be free if you listen to Dune!"

Laura: "You are wrong. Our speaker knows what is right for us."

She takes a step towards you. You don't have a choice. You can't let her do this.

Lost treasures (Furry x male human)Where stories live. Discover now