Chapter 8... Lost treasure

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Y/Ns POV...

You've been walking for a while now. Earlier, you felt the ground shake. It was probably a earthquake, but it caught you by surprise. You keep thinking about if Sophie and the others are okay.. you remember Anna said they kill people like them on sight, so you wonder why they didn't immediately kill them when they captured you.

You also couldn't help but notice just how many red feather guards there is. How many camps do that have? How big was Sophie's village compared to them? You still had a lot of questions about this place.. but now you just want to leave.

You approach the stone door you saw on the picture. It was on the side of a hill close to the volcano in the middle of the island. The guards walked to the door.

???: "Any idea how to open this?"

???: "No... Maybe if we push on it a litt-"

Dune pushes the guard out of the way and gives the door a strong kick, which forces the door open.

You felt like that was unnecessarily aggressive, but it worked.

All of you walk in.. with you leading the way. You pull out your flashlight so you can see and it appears to be a cave. You walk through the cave with Dune and his men walking behind you. The cave seems to keep going down. You walk pass all of the rocks and stone until you see a crack in the rock wall. You climb through the crack and see a temple deep underground.

 You climb through the crack and see a temple deep underground

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It was amazing to look at. You were beginning to believe that maybe the treasure does actually exist.

You walk across the rope bridge and start making your way up the stairs. There was a lot of stairs, but you couldn't help but be excited for what was at the top.

Dune and his men followed closely behind you as you finally make it to the top of the temple. You don't see anything except for a old skeleton sitting next to a collum with a crown on it's head, and a sword in it's chest.

Dune: "The crown..."

You guessed it was the crown Dune wanted. You wished you could've kept it yourself, but you wanted to leave this island.

Dune walks past you and picks up the crown.

Dune: "Yes... This is it."

Y/N: "Great.. you have what you want. Now how am I going to leave his Island?"

Dune slowly looks towards you.

Dune: "I will send you to the Gods."

Y/N: "Wait wha-"

Two guards grab you from behind. Locking your arms and stealing your rifle.

Dune: "You will meet the Gods now."

Lost treasures (Furry x male human)Where stories live. Discover now