Chapter 3... Beached

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???: "Jesus... You didn't have to knock him out. You could've just tied him up."

???: "I'm sorry, I was angry at Dune for what him and his men did and I was worried he would-"

???: "Look.. just leave him here for now. I'm going to go look for the rest of us. We need all the help we can get at this point."

???: "okay..."


You start waking up.. Your head feels dizzy and your vision is blurry. You try to look around but you can't think straight. You think You're in a small cage. You blink your eyes a few times and try to figure out where you are.. and what happened.

Your mind starts to clear up and you can see better. You're definitely in a cage. You look around and it looks like You're in a.. shipwreck maybe? The small room is mostly empty.. just some empty cages other than the one you're in, but you also see your bag on the other side of the room.

Whoever brought you here probably doesn't have good intentions for you. Maybe eat you for food... a shiver goes down your spine.

Y/N: "Shit.. shit shit shit!"

You need to figure out how to get out of here. Otherwise you might end up like everyone else that came to "Graveland".

Maybe you can kick the cage.. it's made from wood, so you could break it. But that might make noise.. and the hunter has a bow, so even if you make a run for it. You can get shot. And of course you've already been shot, so running would be hard.

You can see through the door of the room and it appears that you're definitely in a ship on a beach. If you go outside.. he'll see you immediately, and You're rifle is nowhere to be seen. So he doesn't have a bow.. he has a gun now.

You try to think about what to do.. but it might be best if you wait and see what happens...


Unless you can untie the knot that keeps the cage together...


??? Pov...

???: "It's been 2 hours since I knocked the human out... I didn't think I hit him that hard." I think to myself.

???: "Maybe I should check on him.. I would hate if another one died... This is the first time we were able to catch one before Dune did... They usually end up dead..."

I decided to walk back into the shipwreck that we made our new home. I don't know how many of my people survived the attack. But hopefully Anna can find them..

I walk up to the room we kept the human in an-

???: "Take this you Motherfucker."

The human turns the corner and swings at me with a knife. He caught me off guard so I jump back in surprise and he misses. Then he pauses and he takes a minute to look at me.

Y/Ns pov...

You swing at the hunter but he jumps back and you get a good look at him...

You swing at the hunter but he jumps back and you get a good look at him

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Lost treasures (Furry x male human)Where stories live. Discover now