Part - 1: Breakdown

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'The sole custody of Master Abhir Birla is handed over to Dr. Abhimanyu Birla. This decision though prima facie appears cruel is in the best interest of Master Abhir Birla. His mother - a jam maker and Mr. Abhinav Sharma - a driver cannot hope to provide the lifestyle and secure the future of Master Abhir like his father - the renowned heart surgeon Dr. Abhimanyu Birla. Weekend visitation rights granted to Mrs. Akshara Sharma and Mr. Abhinav Sharma on the approval of Mr. Abhimanyu Birla. Changes in the Birth Certificate be made accordingly and a separate case be run on Mrs. Akshara Sharma for paternity fraud.'

Abhinav heard the words as if from a great distance. He shook his head, trying to clear it when he realised that his cheeks felt wet. Why was he crying? He looked around and saw Bade Papa's tortured face. There was sorrow etched in every line of that strong face. As sudden as it appeared, the confusion cleared replaced by a roaring. SOLE CUSTODY..ABHIR..ABHIMANYU BIRLA..WEEKEND.. LIFESTYLE..BIRTH CERTIFICATE..AKSHARA..AKSHARA!

Abhinav turned towards her, his heart filling with dread. He could never see Akshara in pain and now the impossible has happened. Akshara ji, why do you work so much? See your finger got cut again. How he wished the pain was as easy to take away as bandaging her finger! How he wished he wasn't...
Abhinav's mind went blank. He couldn't complete the thought.

Abhinav caught sight of Akshara's face and his tears halted. There were no tears, no grief, no pain there. Just blankness. Abhinav went cold. 'Uncle, where is that quiet boy? He didn't come for dinner today.' Abhinav didn't know his name. Only that the boy had come to the orphanage a week ago. Hadn't spoken a word since. Uncle replied curtly that the boy didn't require food and shelter anymore.'Go to sleep, Abhinav and don't you dare be late for the garage tomorrow'.

Abhinav requested Bade Papa and Badi Maa to leave. They would not let him be as harsh as Abhinav had to be to break Akshara down. Only then would Akshara be able to built some semblance of herself again or... Abhinav couldn't lose his world again today. He followed Akshara silently, steeling himself for what he was going to say. Exhausted, Akshara sat down and Abhinav tore into her. 'We lost, Akshara! Our boy prayed for us and we lost, Akshara. It's our fault, we couldn't do enough, be enough for him. We lost our Abhir'. Akshara gave no response. 'Abhir won't run through our home ever again. You won't be there to see him play, see him fight, he won't eat your jams, you won't be able to sing for him. The football trophies he wins will honour Birla House, his little hands will reach out only for Dr. Birla's hands now..'. Abhinav's throat constricted with unshed tears and he couldn't speak further. Akshara stayed numb.

Abhinav took in a deep breath trying to understand. Nothing he said was causing Akshara enough pain to break the cocoon she had shielded herself with. Abhinav, desperately, searched for the right words. Never had he thought that a day would come when he would deliberately want to hurt his love. Akshara had to cry to live. She could see through his heart, so his words meant nothing. He thought of the words which shattered his world, shattered everything he was, everything he could be.

Abhinav forced himself to speak in the same dispassionate tone that she had 'The sole custody of..' Fear flashed across Akshara's face and she raised her hands and pushed them against her ears. Abhinav gave a silent prayer of thanks to Akshara's Kanha ji and pulled her hands away. '.. Master Abhir Birla is handed over to..'. Akshara struggled fiercely to get away but Abhinav was relentless '..Dr. Abhimanyu Birla.'

Akshara fell into Abhinav's arms and weeped inconsolably. Abhinav held her tightly against him, his eyes dry, knowing that what had happened would pale in comparison to what lay ahead. The sukoon of Kasauli was like the ice of the mountains which could never coexist with the heat of Udaipur.

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