Part 18 - Anniversary (Dinner Date)

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Abhinav stood outside the City Restaurant, well before time, dressed in the special Kasauli attire that he wore in weddings there. He could have borrowed a tuxedo from Kairav or Bade Papa but he wanted to be himself. The man Akshara fell in love with. Abhinav smiled to himself, still partly in disbelief as to how Fate had not torn apart Akshara from the pages of his life as Manjari Birla had predicted, rather had permanently fixed Akshara in his life and him in hers. Abhinav didn't know about a lot of things in this Information Age but he knew about the power love held. Fate had been kinder to him than he deserved but Abhinav still found himself desiring for more. Nikkeji. Abhinav sighed, clearing his mind of all thoughts. Today, I am only Aksharas'.

A familiar car stopped at the restaurant entrance and Abhinav moved towards it. Akshara got out in a pink saree that seemed to be made from flowing water. Her ears sparkled with diamonds and her hands glittered with bangles encrusted with stones. Her neck, though, had found only one piece of jewellery worthy - her Mangalsutra. Abhinav gazed at her with eyes filled with love and he saw as Akshara looked down shyly, catching his hand and steering him inside.

Abhinav seated himself opposite Akshara and asked her to make the food choices for him too. After the waiter left, Akshara excitedly removed a small box from inside her purse, wrapped in silver paper and passed it to him.
'Akshara, what is this?'.
'Abhinav Love,' Abhinav felt a glow of happiness warming his insides at the endearment, 'Anniversary present for you! Everyone contributed for it, so don't fret about the price'.
Abhinav unpeeled the packaging excitedly and was confused to see a tiny box containing what seemed to be 2 separate earphones without a wire connecting them. He heard Akshara's laughter and smiled himself. She laughed so rarely these days. Akshara took the earphones and showed him how to use it.
'Remember how Abhir complained about you not being in the car always to pick up his calls? These earphones have the greatest range and you will never miss our calls!'.
Abhinav placed the gift in his heart pocket, touched to receive such a thoughtful gift.

'The food service is slow, I didn't expect it to be so crowded on a weekday', said Akshara, a bit grumpy.
'Time for me to give my present', said Abhinav and removed his gift wrapped in newspapers. He saw the delight on Akshara's face and she seemed to forget her hunger, carefully opening the wrapping. Abhinav noticed the excitement draining replaced by something he couldn't quite understand.

You fool! Abhinav quickly realised what was happening.
'The jhumkas are made from real silver  but I haven't been hiding money from you or Nikkeji to purchase them! They are Neelamma's family heirlooms. Neelamma had unwavering faith that I would find my true.. love and she gave them to me long before I met you'.
Akshara placed her hand over his, not meeting his eyes.
'Abhinav, they are beautiful. It's just that.. I have seen it before and.. read your letter too'.
Abhinav's jaw dropped in shock.
'When?'. He managed to get the question out.
'The day when we went to Aarohi's Kalash Pooja'.
Abhinav remembered that day for different reasons.
'The day you removed ji from our names'.
'Abhinav.. that was going to happen anyway. I couldn't have denied my love for you for long. After the Kalash Pooja, I was telling Bade Papa how you defended me, how much you valued me and he advised me to give our relation a chance. I was dazed with all the events, coming to you to seek comfort when I saw the box and.. your letter'.

Abhinav closed his eyes, fear taking control over him again. Was Akshara with me for gratitude? Because she knew that I loved her? No! Abhinav pushed away that habitual insecurity rising in him. Akshara is a strong woman with integrity. She wouldn't be in a relation out of gratitude and wouldn't lie to me. I am her choice.
'Abhinav, I am so sor..'.
Abhinav pressed on her hand, stopping her apology. He smiled and saw Akshara's relieved smile.
'Your letter only speeded up the cracking of my denial. Had I not read your letter, we would still be here this evening, celebrating our lives together.. Do you believe that?'.
'I do', said Abhinav, warmly, 'All the same, I would like to take back the box for now. The first date is not the right time for a love proposal'.
Akshara observed him and then nodded, satisfied that he wasn't distancing himself from her again.

The waiter arrived with their food right then, placing a red velvet pastry on the table too.
'I didn't order the pastry', stated Akshara.
'I did', clarified Abhinav and as the waiter left, he said wistfully,' I missed out on your becoming a lawyer and becoming an intern, Akshara. Congratrulations!'.
Abhinav took a large spoonful and fed Akshara the pastry. Akshara's eyes sparkled as she took the bite from Abhinav and grabbing a spoon, fed the remaining pastry to Abhinav.

As they relished their way through the food, Akshara asked, 'Abhinav, what was your most memorable moment with me so far?'.
Abhinav gave a soft laugh as he said,' All of them'.
Akshara made a face. 'Very diplomatic! Tell me, na, Mr. Cutu, what was the best time you spend with me?'.
'On our first date.. when you put kajal teeka on me to ward off bad sight'.
Abhinav heard the puzzlement in Akshara's voice,'Why is that special?'.
Abhinav replied, 'No one has done that for me. Neelamma doesn't believe in evil sight. Neither do I but it felt good to have someone looking out for me. And from you.. that was the first time in 6 years that you did something that didn't feel like only friendship, without any pressure, from your free will. I can't express properly how much that meant to me..'. Abhinav stopped as Akshara wiped her hand across the corner of her eye.

'Now your turn, Pari'.
Abhinav met Akshara's eyes which gleamed with joy as she said without hesitation, 'The day of the Pooja. When you put Mangalsutra around my neck, gave me my own home, my personal space, my jhula and.. yourself. That night was the most magical one before..' Nikkeji..  Abhinav wished he could somehow erase that moment from Time when his son.. He shook himself out of his thoughts. He was Akshara's husband and it wasn't right to always put other matters above her. Today was their day and Abhinav was determined to spend this day as happily as possible.

While Akshara paid the cheque as insisted and properly packed a chocolate pastry they had ordered for Abhir, Abhinav pondered on what Akshara had said. That night. Akshara's most special moments with him had included that night when they were so close to each other and about to get closer. Abhinav realised that it was Akshara who had initiated the contact. He shook his head ruefully. Akshara had made her love clear for him so long ago but he had been blind to all the obvious signs, choosing to believe his childhood insecurities and not the present reality. Not any more, thought Abhinav firmly, as he held out his hand for Akshara and walked back with her to the car, hand in hand. He would not put Akshara or himself to the test anymore. He loved Akshara and Akshara loved him and that was the truth. His truth.

Abhinav slept contended with Akshara in his arms and this day of his anniversary had given him more than he could have ever imagined.

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