Part 42 - Appeal (5)

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'Mr. Dilip, is that correct?'.
Mr. Dilip nervously said yes.
'You were on that bus the day of the accident?'.
'Yes, Sir. I remember that day very clearly. You see, the accident caused my left side to be paralysed for 5 years and I still have a limp. The Doctor says that I will fully recover in a year's time'.
'That's good', said Mr. Srivastav, his attention focused elsewhere,'Why don't you tell us what happened that day?'.

'Sir, I was on my way to Delhi to my family, changing buses along the way. I had secured a job in Udaipur, which I had to join after 15 days. After the bus left Udaipur, the conductor started shouting. Apparently, someone didn't have money to buy a ticket. I was very far away so I could only make out that it was a woman in an all white dress. Like a movie ghost. The argument was going on, every passenger was watching, when a jolly fellow purchased a ticket for her. She didn't even know her destination or that she was in a bus! The fellow was talkative and spoke things with deep meanings. After a while, the ghost girl suddenly got up from her seat and demanded to get off the bus. The jolly man tried to help her and then.. the bus swerved out of control.
When I got up, I was at a camp type medical place. I didn't see the ghost girl but the jolly fellow was helping everyone. I was thirsty and couldn't move and the medical staff was overworked. The jolly man put water in my mouth which was twisted at that time and said - Knock Knock! Who's there? Good health ji. Just take 2 steps courageously and open the door. I am waiting for you'. Those were the first positive words I had heard since the accident'.

'Mr. Dilip, how do you know that 'jolly fellow' was a stranger to the girl? Maybe, he knew her already'.
'No', Mr. Dilip shook his head, confidently,'The fellow did not know the girl's name or destination. He was a helpful stranger - ask anyone from the medical camp'.
'I must say travelling all the way from Delhi to here to give witness for a person you don't know the name of is commendable', said Mr. Srivastav, an undercurrent of frustration in his voice.
'Sir, I had promised to myself that I would help any passenger who was on the bus that day. It seemed like a bond had been formed between all of us who survived. A lady called me and told me things that only a co passenger could have known and said she needed my help. Here I am today because of that call'.
'Very well. Can you identify that man from these 3 photos?'.

Akshara sighed. Mr. Srivastav was very cynical. He could have pointed at the crowd of people sitting in the Court Room and asked Mr. Dilip to pick out Abhinav from them. But he doubted that Abhinav would make some sort of sign to make Dilip pick him. She saw the photos. One was of Abhimanyu, 2 were of men she did not know.

'None of them', said Mr. Dilip, still confident.
'Are you sure?', asked Mr. Srivastav, firmly, trying to confuse Dilip.
'You don't forget the face that pours water in your thirsty mouth'.
Mr. Srivastav quickly replaced the photos with 3 others. One was of Abhinav in traditional Himachali attire.

Akshara's mouth became a thin line. Cheap trick. Everyone looked vastly different in traditional clothes as compared to western ones.
Dilip pointed excitedly to Abhinav's photo. 'He's the one! He's the jolly fellow!'.
'You may leave', said Mr. Srivastav, rudely. Akshara joined her hands in gratitude but Mr. Dilip waved it off, happy to help the man who had been there for him when he couldn't be there for himself.

'Your Honour, Mr. Srivastav must admit that my fairytale to the extent of a random stranger on a bus helping me was correct'.
Mr. Srivastav gave no sign of acknowledgement.
'Mrs. Sharma, you may continue'.

'Your Honour, these are newspaper cuttings of the employer Abhinav was working for when I met him. Abhinav got me a job there as well. The reason Abhinav kicked that job was the same reason why the employer has appeared on the headlines'.
'He was Abhinav's employer and Abhinav found a job in his office for me as well. On my very first day of work, the man purposely sent everyone out on some work and tried the same.. on me. I was physically weak and unable to defend myself properly. Luckily, Abhinav heard my screams and came running. We couldn't lodge a police complaint as I was hiding my identity that time. I deeply regret that now. That monster should have been stopped there and then..'
Akshara send out a silent apology to the women who suffered. She couldn't be stronger for them but now she would never be weak. As a lawyer, she would get justice for as many innocents as she could.

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