Chapter 10

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[Nikki's POV]

I park my car in front of the building I have to be. I stop the engine, get out of the car, and lock it. I walk to the front of the building to go inside.

Once I'm inside, I head for the elevator. I press the button and wait.

A guy, I guess in his 30s, walks up and waits next to me for the elevator, I assume.

He looks at me, smiling. I act like I haven't seen it and take out my phone, acting like I'm busy.

"Hey gorgeous. I've seen you around here some times, but had never the nerve to actually talk to you. But here I am," the guy next to me states, smiling creepily at me.

I smile uncomfortably to him. I turn back to my phone, hoping for him to stop talking to me.

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this.

The elevator door opens and I rush in, pressing the button to the floor I have to go to see a friend.

The guy walks after me in the elevator and doesn't press a button.

"I'm going anywhere you're going, baby."

Leave, leave, leave.

He stands before me, walking up to me. I stumble backwards, hoping to create some space between us. But no, he only comes closer to me.

Once my back hits the wall behind me, I'm trapped between it and the guy.

He put his hands next to my head, trapping me.


I am on the edge of crying and try not to appear vulnerable.

The guy leans with his head over to me, to my ear. "You're stuck with me, angle," he whispers in my ear, making me flinch.

The elevator door slowly closes and I grow more and more anxious and claustrophobic.

I can't get anything out of my mouth, I just try not to make eye contact. I try to shove him away from me, but he's too strong. Instead, he brings his lips closer and closer to mine.

Once I think the elevator will close, it opens again and my twin stands in the opening.

He sees me and becomes concerned and angry immediately. He rushes in the elevator, grabs the guy by his collar, and pushes him away from me, out of the elevator.

"That's my twin sister you're trying to hurt here. You hurt her, you deal with me. So back off, dude," Ian calls out angrily and pushes the 'doors close' button until the doors close.

Once they do, he turns to me. I break down immediately. My legs give up and I fall to the ground, crying my eyes out.

Ian catches me and takes me in his arms. I cry against his chest and hold him tight. We both sit on the floor and I try to catch my breath.

Fortunately, the elevator takes some time to reach our destiny, since it's one of the top floors. It's doesn't make a stop as well, so we have the elevator all to ourselves the whole ride up.


We make it to our destiny and I've calmed down a little. Fortunately, we're meeting our closest friends, so they can see me like this.

We walk to the door of the apartment. Ian stops me before it, grabbing me by the hand. I turn to look at him. "Are you okay?" he asks gently.

I sigh. I still feel miserable and don't know what just has happened. I don't know that man and what his intentions were with me.

"No. But I'll be fine," I confess. I don't have to hide anything from him, he will find out the truth either way.

He wraps his arms around me and gives me a warm hug, which I really need. I try to hold myself together, because if I'll cry now, I don't think I can stop myself again.

After some seconds, I release from the hug and take in a deep breath one last time before ringing the bell.

It takes some time for the owner of the apartment to open the door. I ring the bell twice again.

Ian bonks on the door aggressively.

The door finally opens and Millie stands in the door opening. "Could be a little less aggressive next time," she states, a little annoyed.

"Could be a little faster next time," the boy next to me answers, already walking in the apartment.

Millie turns her attention to me and sees my red eyes. Her face drops, locks her arm into mine, and leads me into her home.

"Are you okay?" she asks me, concerned, while closing the door behind us.

"To be honest, no. I'll tell you when we sit down with the other two."


I sit on the couch with Ian left of me with his arm around my shoulder and Millie sits at the right side of me. Paddy sits in front of me on the ground with his arms resting on my lap.

"Who was it? Maybe I know him, I can make sure he will disappear or something," the girl on my right tries to help.

"No need to worry. Ian will be my bodyguard from now on when we go here." I look over to the slightly older boy and he nods.

I let myself fall back so my head rests on the back of the couch. "Okay, enough serious talk. I want to talk about something else, please." Millie fall backwards as well and rests her head on my shoulder.

"How was the talk show? I watched it by the way. You were good," Paddy states. I smile at him.

"It was good. We met Stray Kids. They're really nice. They're from Korea and are a group of 8 guys," my twin explains. "We hung out with them after the show and talked a lot and watched that new movie on Netflix."

"I want to watch that film as well. Was it good?" Millie questions. I nod my head, telling it was a good film.

"We should watch it together, Mill," the younger boy suggests to the girl next to me. They give each other a high five and turn back to us.

"Nikki is forming a crush on one of the guys," Ian speaks, smirking. Millie and Paddy turn their head to me in excitement.

"That's not true. Don't talk bullshit, man." I grab a pillow and throw it to my twin's face. He dodges and smirks at me. I stick my tongue out to him in return.

"We're hanging out with them again this Monday. But should we watch something? I'm kinda bored," my twin whines out, in need of some entertainment.

"Well, we can't watch that film that you two already watched." The girl next to me rolls her eyes. I hit her softly on her arm.

"Not my fault we did so. And there are more things we can watch. Give me the remote." I reach my hand out and wait for the guy in front of me to give the remote to me.

He does so and I put on Netflix, ready to look through films and shows for an hour, because that's how it always goes with the four of us.

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