Chapter 26

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We're backstage with Stray Kids. They're doing the last finishing touches and make themselves ready to go on the stage.

I'm still pretty anxious because of Della and the already numerous articles about me and Hyunjin.

If only I really was dating him and we could confirm this, now I don't know what to do.

This may sound crazy, but I like him and I don't want to deny a dating rumor just to inform fans months later that we are dating, if he likes me back.

Hyunjin notices my discomfort and me playing with whatever I can play with. He walks up to me and stands before me, not so far away. I look up at him, seeing him smile down at me.

"It's going to be okay. Just enjoy the concert and we'll be talking about the dating rumors after when you feel better."

I hug him without thinking about it and burry my face against his chest. "Thank you so much. And you're going to kill this concert, I'm sure of it."

I break off the hug and smile at him. He returns the gesture and walks back to the rest of Stray Kids. I see them murmuring excitedly about something but I can't tell what they're talking about.

Millie stands beside me, looking at the eight boys. "He's so sweet and cute to you, I bet he feels the same way about you."

I look at her with a confused look. "How do you think you know my feelings, lady?" She laughs at my comment and takes my hand in hers. "The way you guys look at each other says everything. But my piece of advice, don't date yet. You guys know each other a week, get to know each other a little better before you make the next step."

I smile at her and rest my head on her shoulder. "I wasn't planning on. You and Paddy also need to befriend them first," I tell her. She laughs at me. "Don't worry, we're going to 'befriend' them soon enough." I punch her in her side and we start bickering around, until the staff tells Stray Kids to go on stage.

We wish them good luck and they smile back at us. The first song starts playing and fans are screaming. Once they walk on the stage, the screaming becomes even louder and they sing along with the lyrics.

Me, Ian, Millie, and Paddy have our own little dance party with some staff members and come up with our own language to the Korean lyrics. Some staff also learned us some Korean words and sentences.

I really enjoy looking at the eight boys on the stage. They seem so happy to perform and see their fans loving it as much as they do. I don't fail to notice the boys looking at us from time to time, Hyunjin being the one who does it the most.

I catch his gaze sometimes and we smile at each other. Every time we do so, when Hyunjin looks back to the fans in front of him, Millie squeals in excitement and jumps a little up and down.

I totally forget about Della and the dating rumors for the rest of the time being. I have a lot of fun with my three closest friends.

Once the concert is done, Stray Kids comes backstage and clean themselves, because of the sweat they have on their foreheads.

Once they're done, they have to go to the meet and greet and are gone for 30 minutes or so. The four of us just have some fun and film TikTok after TikTok and run around the changing room.

After a long time getting punched by Paddy, making chaotic TikToks, running after Millie, and Ian running after me and carrying me over his shoulder, Stray Kids come in and sees the fiasco.

Ian puts me down and smiles innocently at them. Millie and Paddy freeze in place and look over at the eight boys. I turn my head and see them looking at us weirdly. "I told you we are chaotic."

Put four crackheads with eight other crackheads in a room and then you get a warzone. Won't recommend.

After being chaotic with the twelve of us, we go out the room and walk to the exit. I'm talking with Millie and Hyunjin about some random stuff while walking behind Chan and Ian, who are leading us to the exit.

I get a notification on my phone and look at the screen. It's from Hyemin.


The boss of Stray Kids, JYP, contacted me. We came to the conclusion we just wait until the rumors are gone, until then just act casual and don't go out with only Hyunjin

I hope it will go away soon, and I'm certain that it will be alright


I smile at my phone and the two next to me look with me over my shoulder at the screen. "Told you it will be alright," Hyunjin exclaims. I look at him and smile, which he returns.

"Now what to do?" Minho calls out. "Should we hang out with the twelve of us? We don't have anything to do now."

"I have a karaoke machine."

And that's how we did karaoke for the rest of the day at my place. Of course, Millie and Paddy were kinda upset that everyone is really good at singing, but did we really show that?

I can say the sounds that came out of our mouths is not how we sing on stage. We really were not paying attention to our pitch.

Jeongin and Jisung were the ones who did the most songs and most of the time we did duets and groups.

It's already a lot of hours later and we decide to call it a night. Stray Kids have another concert the next day, so it's the best they have some rest.

Everyone has left and I'm left alone with the mess. I sigh to myself before cleaning the living room and going to bed myself.

Before going to bed, I check my phone one last time, since it has been a while I did so.

I open Instagram and that was the biggest mistake I could make.

A lot of people are reacting to the dating rumors and are calling me and Hyunjin out. They say some awful things about the both of us.

'He really is doing this just for the fame'

'She doesn't deserve him'

'Worst couple ever'

'Who the fuck do they think they are?'

Fortunately, there are some comments who love it as well. But I can't get over the fact people are calling out to me and Hyunjin.

I decide to text Hyunjin, just to see if he really is okay.

The Angel Hyunjin

Hey, how are you?

I'm fine, but you don't really
sound fine

How can you hear me?

You know what I mean

I just saw some hate comments
and I wanted to check if you are
okay because of them

I decided to stay off social
media for some time

Maybe you should do the same,
just to not get carried away by the
hate comments

Thank you for caring, I really
appreciate it more than you think

Rest well and good luck tomorrow
if I don't speak to you anymore
before the concert

Thank you <3


I put my phone on my night stand and let myself fall on the mattress. I smile to myself and after some time I finally fall asleep.


Thank you guys so much for 600 views!!! It actually means the world to me <33 Also vote and comment it would make my day.

I'm so sorry for a late update but I just didn't know what to do with this chapter and honestly I'm in a writers block and I only know what to do with this story later on... anyone relate?

Anyways, hope you enjoy this story and stay tuned for next chapters, I love you all <333

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