Chapter 38

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[Third person POV]

Hyunjin and Nikki arrive at the rooftop, looking over at the city. The girl looks around, amazed, while the boy only grows more and more anxious.

"It's beautiful up here. Do you come here often?" the girl asks, looking at the boy standing a few feet away from her, anxiously playing with his fingers and rings. She grows concerned again and walks up to the latter, grabbing his hand in hers.

And that was enough to let the butterflies wake up again in Hyunjin's stomach.

"Are you okay?" Nikki asks, looking up at the taller. He takes some deep breaths and then walks to the edge of the rooftop, taking Nikki with him, since they are still holding hands.

They rest their remaining free hand and arm on the fence and look at the sun which already starts to set. They both didn't realize how late it already was starting to become and Nikki already forgot about her jetlag.

The boy looks at the girl next to him, admiring another view than she is.

God, she's even more beautiful in this light, he thought.

Hyunjin turns his back against the fence, looking over at the rooftop. The girl follows his action and crosses her arms. "The rooftop is massive, and yet no one is here," she says, looking around the rooftop.

There are countless benches and the rooftop is surrounded with nature. It has a magical feeling to it, something Nikki loves. She smiles brightly, spotting all different kind of flowers between the moss and grass, something that started growing naturally.

The girl breaks the silence and looks at the boy next to her. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Hyunjin lowers his gaze to his feet and then towards the girl. He smiles once their eyes meet and remembers for the nth time today why he likes her so much.

He starts laughing gently, making the girl laugh with him. "What? What's so funny?"

Hyunjin turns around so he faces Nikki fully, putting a string of her hair behind her ear. "Because you're beautiful."

That makes the girl blush and looks behind her, hiding the smile she has. Hyunjin laughs again because of the action and gently holds her chin and turns her head so she looks at him again. She has no idea what to say and just stares at the boy opposite of her.

He remembers why they are here and clears his throat, pulling his hand away from her again. "Uhm, I'm not really good at this kind of talk, but I wanted to tell you something."

Nikki shifts in her place and has her serious face on. Hyunjin starts walking away from the edge and looks around before making his way back to the girl.

"What's wrong?" Nikki asks, being concerned over the boy again. Being the oblivious girl she is, she doesn't know anything of what's going to happen and thinks he's not feeling well or anything.

While the reason for his sickness, for the pain in his stomach, is actually her.

"I have to tell you something. It's okay if you don't feel the same way or anything, but I just had to let it out." Hyunjin takes a deep breath and walks up to Nikki, standing in front of her. The only thing she can do is stare at the boy and wait for him to start his speech.

"It's okay, you can tell me anything," the girl adds, smiling at the taller. He takes in one more deep breath and starts outing his feelings.

"We met now almost 3 months ago and I'm so happy we did. I think besides the members I've never felt this comfortable around anyone. The first time I saw you in real life I was so flabbergasted and didn't know what to do. I knew you were a good person but meeting you really told me you were even more beautiful inside and out. What I'm trying to say is that I like you. I noticed that I did a while ago now and since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. You really have me in a head lock and I hope you will forever. You don't have to say anything, I just needed you to know and I wanted to tell you in person that I really like you, Nikki Rose."

Hyunjin releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding and smiles at the girl opposite of him, who can't believe what she just heard.

After some seconds, the girl finally breaks the silence. "I like you too, Hyunjin. To be honest with you, I have been amazed by you since the moment I looked in your eyes for the first time. When I got to know you better, I knew you weren't only goddamn handsome, but such a sweet human being as well. To be honest, I didn't know what to do with my feeling for a long time."

Hyunjin walks up to Nikki. They smile at each other and the boy grabs her hand, not looking away from her. "I don't care whether we're busy or we will get hate, I will always want you by my side. When you love each other, you would do anything for each other, right?" the taller asks and gets a nod from the girl in front of him in return. He smiles and walks closer to her, being only inches away.

He bows his head down to match Nikki's level. He looks from her eyes to her lips and back up, waiting for a reply. Then, Nikki presses her lips against Hyunjin's.

It's a gentle kiss, both not wanting to discomfort the other with going too far. They break apart and look lustful in each others' eyes before closing the gap again, this time kissing more passionately.

After a while, they move their heads away from each other and look the other in the eyes. Nikki burries her head in Hyunjin's chest to hide her red face and Hyunjin laughs at her. "I guess this means I can call you mine now?"

Nikki's heart flusters and her heart starts to beat faster. She looks up at the boy and smiles widely. "Absolutely."

They're both scared about the physical distance between them, but they know they can make it work no matter where they are. They'll always find their ways back to each other, as long as they continue loving one another.

I know this is BAD bc I'm so bad at writing kissing scenes but I hope you liked it anyhow.

Dw, there will come one more chapter and an epilogue soon, SO THIS IS NOT THE END (yet😈)

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