Chapter 30

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It's some weeks later and I find myself in the slightly older boy's living room on the couch with him and Dawn.

I've grown quite close to her since the first time I saw her and we're now playing video games with the three of us.

Of course, Ian is winning and me and Dawn are close by. We're playing some sort of shooting game I have no idea about but somehow I still manage to survive and shoot people while I just shoot around and run for dear life.

"Can't you just slow down and give us a chance as well, Ian?" Dawn groans out. I giggle at her. "No, Dawn, I can't. It will ruin my pride."

"That's such bullshit, man. I remember once that you were losing so bad-" Ian cuts me off by speaking up. "Yeah, yeah, I get it, no need to explain."

As expected, Ian won and Dawn was last, which makes me second. I put the console down and lay back. "What now?" Dawn asks. Ian shrugs, but I see he's dying to do something with her.

"You guys can go out and have fun, I'll entertain myself." I give them a wink and they leave the house, probably going on yet another date.

I take out my phone and see some unread messages from the group chat.

Unstable crackheads

Holy leader
It's a miracle Hyunjin hasn't
changed the gc name yet

The Angel Hyunjin
That's because it's a good

The name of our gc is good
as well but yet you have to
change that one up every
damn week

Holy leader
Kinda makes it hard to find
the group chat

Savage puppy
Just pin the gc then

Pads I need
So I started watching
compilations on YouTube from
you guys
To say it's chaotic would be an

Big baby
I don't watch these for my
own good

Pads I need
Prob the best for u
I don't want to see myself
in a crackhead video

You did once

Pads I need
Yes and I learned from it

Holy leader
Anyone heard from Jisung?
We need to produce some

Pads I need
Ooooh can I hear them once
they are done?

Holy leader
Would be discussed

Pads I need

HANdsome squirrel
Oh sorry I was watching


Don't let the cops know

HANdsome squirrel
How COULD they know??
It's not like I was watching it
with them

My bestiee
It's illegal to watch porn in


My bestiee

Pads I need
Okay it's official
I'm never moving to Korea

HANdsome squirrel
I don't care, rules are meant
to be broken
I do what I want😈

Holy leader
Jisung no

HANdsome squirrel
Jisung YES

He's going to get grounded

HANdsome squirrel
Shut up, ki

Wow, easy there child

HANdsome squirrel

The Angel Hyunjin
No need to scream Han

Savage puppy
Can I mute him?

Big baby

Savage puppy
I'll figure it out

Holy leader
Jisung just come to the

HANdsome squirrel
After I finish my film

Jesus Christ

Pads I need
-is dead


A few minutes later I hear the doorbell and I walk up to the door. When I open it, I see Millie standing outside.

"Here you are. I was at your house but you weren't there, so I figured you could be here or at the company," the girl tells while walking in.

"Ian is out with Dawn. I was hanging with them until I told them to go out together."

We walk into the television room and we both let us fall onto the couch. "Then why are you still here?"

"I'm lazy," I confess. I grab the remote and start Netflix. "Mood."

We watch some film we both have already seen a hundred times together and enjoy it. We also act out some parts we know by heart now.

The doorbell rings once again and I pause the film before walking to the front door. I open it and my manager stands there.

"Hey Hyemin, what are you doing here?" I let her in and we walk back to the television room where Millie is waiting for us. "Hey girl."

"Hey. I'm here to inform you about some topics, one of them being Della." I look at Millie and she looks at me. She gives me a smile before I turn back to the older woman.

"Tell me," I say while sitting down and my manager following my action.

"Okay, first about your new film, the trailer comes out tomorrow, put it on you socials. Next, Della. So, I said I would take care of whatever she did, and I don't forbid you for finding out what she said. But I've taken care of it. You and Hyunjin have been proven innocent and her account has been banned. That doesn't mean she won't come back, and you know that."

I'm so happy I get up and give her a hug. I smile so bright. I'm so glad and lucky to have a manager like her. "Thank you so much!" I exclaim happily.

"No need to thank me, I just want you to be safe and all." Once I break off from the hug, Millie runs up to me and back hugs me. "I'm so proud of you. And you as well, Hyemin. Thank you so much." Hyemin smiles at Millie and rubs her back.

"I suggest talking to Hyunjin later, he must be relieved as well." Millie let's go off me and I grab my phone. "I'll face time him right now."

I tend to walk away, but Millie grabs me by my wrist. "Hold up, I want to see that drama queen as well." I laugh at her and sit back down next to her.

I guess we'll be having a girls night featuring Hyunjin today.

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