Chapter 36

352 15 7

Time skip: 16 days

[Nikki's POV]

"Hurry, young lady, time to get your man."

That's what I've been hearing for two hours straight now. I knew it was a bad idea inviting my twin brother to my house.

These last two weeks, we had interviews and talk shows to promote our new movie and now we have our break. In less than four hours, our flight takes off and I'm packing the last things in my suitcase. Ian insisted to pick me up to go to the airport, so now he's after me the entire time.

"I know now, but we have to be there in an hour. And since the drive takes around 30 minutes, I don't think we should worry about leaving already. The only thing I need to pack is my toiletry bag," I talk back to my brother, looking for the bag.

Ian groans and lays stretched out on my bed. "I knew I shouldn't have listened to Dawn." I giggle and finally find my toiletry bag behind a chair. How that came there, I have no idea.

After a while, I'm ready and we walk out the house, towards Ian's car. He sits in the driving seat and I sit in the passenger seat next to him. He starts the engine and drives off the driveway. "Let's go to pick up Dawn now!"

Did I tell you already Dawn comes along? Well, now you know. Ian invited her with him, and since I'm already good friends with her, I was more than happy she could make it.

We're outside Dawn's appartement, waiting in the car for her. She walks out and waves at us happily. "If I'm moving to the backseat, can you keep the touchy touchy to a minimum, please? I'm not down to see that all happening before me," I groan out, which makes the boy laugh.

"If we do, can you keep the touchy touchy with Hyunjin to a minimum as well?" I roll my eyes and climb to the seat in the middle on the backseat. "If he likes me back, sure."

Dawn opens the car door and sits next to Ian, kissing him on the lips. "Okay, that's fair enough," I mumble, silent enough so they don't hear me.

They move away from each other and the girl in the passenger seat moves her head towards me and smiles. "Hey Nikki."

I smile at her and put on my seat belt. "Ready for vacation?" Dawn follows my action and chuckles. "Hell yeah!" Ian laughs and drives off.

"That's the spirit! Dawn, you or me dj?" I ask, putting on my sunglasses.


The three of us walk to the checkin, spotting the two others at the side. We walk up to each other and hug. Millie drags me and Dawn with her to the first class checkin. "Let's get this party started!"

The two boys walk after us and the oldest takes the tickets out, showing them to the lady behind the counter.


We're in the airplane, flying first class. This is Dawn's first time and she looks happy. She's sitting next to Ian and they're listening to some music together.

Paddy suggested to sit alone, since he would most likely be asleep the whole flight. Millie and I are playing some game on her phone while listening to some music.

I kind of get bored from the music and scroll through my Spotify to find some other music. Then, I spot Stray Kids in my library, chilling and waiting. I put on the music and Millie looks at me with a smirk.

"Hell yes, this is the vibe. I like to tell myself I can speak Korean, but I actually sing in alien language." I laugh at the girl, relating too much to the statement. I did start learning Korean on Duolingo, but I don't think I can come far with knowing how to say 'baby's milk'.

The plane takes off and I talk to Millie and the couple from time to time as well. Paddy has indeed fallen asleep as soon as the plane flew steady in the air.

Millie and I are looking up the English translations to the songs we're listening to and trying to learn some Korean. We need an hour to progress 'Back Door', that means Millie and I looking at each other with our hands before our mouths and eyes wide open for 60 minutes straight.

After we processed the song, we continue listening to music and looking up the lyrics. We started to learn 'Super Bowl', since that is an all English song. After listening to it for four times, we both know the lyrics.

"I'm so good at this, learning Stray Kids songs is easy," the older girl states, making me look at her. "You know that they have a little amount of purely English songs, right?" Millie freezes in place and starts thinking, until she looks at me with an annoyed look. "That hurt my ego and the vibe."


After a 13 hour flight, we're in Seoul. As expected, Paddy slept the whole flight and the couple have been busy doing 'romantic' stuff and jamming to music. Millie and I feel like we're fluent in Korean now, but we're actually fluent in Stray Kids. Try to find a situation where you can use the lyrics of Wolfgang, I'll wait.

I texted the boys we landed. Chan told us to come to the JYP building and he sent us the address. The five of us split into two groups; the couple and the remainders. Both groups find a cap. The three of us tell him the address and he starts driving to the building.

There were no paparazzi outside, since we've been pretty undercover this whole trip to South Korea. Kind of feels nice, walking out a building and no camera flashes.

Throughout the drive, we started talking to the cap driver. He tells us some good spots to visit and food to try. He also tells us about Korea itself and the culture.

In the meantime we arrived at our destination. I give the cap driver his money and a tip, getting a bow and bright smile in return. We say our goodbyes and get out the cap.

We look at the huge building in front of us, amazed by it. Another cap stops by and the couple gets out. They walk to us and look up to the building as well.

"Friends of Stray Kids?" A bodyguard walks up to us, who stood at the entrance before. He smiles at us and we smile back at him. "Yeah, are they in here?"

The bodyguard signs for us to follow him, and we do so. "I'll show you the way to them. They told me they are hanging around in their dance practice room."

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