Chapter 34

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[Nikki's POV]

I'm sitting in a chair, a makeup artist doing my makeup. Millie sits next to me and we're talking with the four of us. Another costar of us walks in and sits on the chair next to Millie.

When I'm done I get moved to the dressing room where my dress is for the day. Someone helps me putting it on, since it's a little complicated.

When I finally have it on, I look at the mirror and the stylist does some finishing touches.

(I hope you like the dress, otherwise you can picture another outfit to your liking (: )

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(I hope you like the dress, otherwise you can picture another outfit to your liking (: )

My manager walks in and looks at my outfit. I turn around to her and give her a spin. "And? You like it?" She looks in awe and proudly at me. "Beautiful as always."

I smile at her and the stylist is ready. "You have to come with me in five minutes, get your jewelry on and come to the cars in front of the building, okay?" I nod at Hyemin. She smiles at me and disappears again.

"Let me show you the jewelry. I'll help you with them," the stylist says to me in a sweet tone, causing me to smile at her.

When my outfit is complete, the stylist looks at me. "You look stunning. You're going to kill this premiere, I'm sure of it." I smile at her once again. "You should get going."

"Thank you so much." I walk to the door and wave at her before I disappear into the hallway.

I walk out the building, into the assigned car for me. Two bodyguards help me with my dress and I thank them. Ian is already inside the car, looking at me with a wide smile.

We're each others' dates for the premiere. Before you start thinking anything, him and Dawn agreed to keep their relationship private for the time being, which means we both have no date to show up with.

We've always been each others' dates, it just feels good. That way we don't have to go all alone, although we both play in this movie.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," my twin brother says to me. I smile at him and look at his outfit. "You look beautiful yourself."

Once arrived at the premiere's venue, we wait in the car until it's our turn to show ourselves to the crowd.

The car stops at the red carpet and some bodyguards open the car door for us.

I'm the first one to get out and hear loud screams from the fans. I wave at them while Ian gets out after me. We both walk to the fans and sign some papers, take pictures, and talk with them.

We walk further and we get to the place paparazzi takes photos of us. Once done, I walk away and paparazzi and journalists try to get my attention and ask me questions.

I've talked with some of them and just walk along the crowd. I've also seen my fellow costars and compliment their outfits and looks.

At the end, the paparazzi takes pictures of the whole cast and I stand next to Ian and Millie. Millie grabs my hand and squeezes it. We look at each other and smile and laugh together.

When we're done, we get escorted to the room where we get to see the film for the first time. All the cast members, crew, and some other celebrities are sitting down, ready to see how the film turned out.


Ian, Millie, Paddy, and I are talking about the film, how good it turned out and how it was beyond our expectations. Paddy is extremely excited again, jumping up and down while talking.

"You should send a picture of yourself to Hyunjin," Millie cheers out. "If he didn't like you already, which I doubt, he would definitely fall for you now." I laugh at her.

"If so, Paddy could fall for me now as well." I turn to Paddy, who is slowly progressing what I said. "Not really, I know you long enough," he says while squinting his eyes.

"Ooh, let's make a picture with the four of us! And then send it in the group chat!" I suggest, and they all agree.

I take my phone out and we take some selfies. A costar comes up to us and suggests to make a picture of the four of us. We accept and we do a little photo shoot, also goofing around.

We have some good pictures and choose the best one to send to the boys.

Unstable crackheads

You send a photo

Since you guys asked how
the premiere is going, here you
have the outfits

Yooo you guys look like🔥

The Angel Hyunjin
Holy shit

Holy leader
You guys look good!
How was the premiere?

Pads I need
The film is EPIC
Don't want to brag, but we are
so good in that film

My bestiee
He's not lying but you are

Pads I need
Shut UP

Now I want to see that movie
even more
When is it coming out?

My other half
In about two weeks?
On a Thursday

HANdsome squirrel
We're getting the first tickets
we are able to buy
And if we don't I'm pulling the
idol card and MAKE them give
us the tickets

Holy leader
Jesus Christ

Pads I need
-is dead

My bestiee
Yeah yeah we know now

Kind of thinking it's his slang
he always says

Savage puppy
Bc it is, I even know that by

U sayin u dumb?
Glad you finally found out

Savage puppy
This is why I don't hang out
with you that often

My bestiee
Well see ya, I have business
to do

Big baby


"What business do you have to do that's so important, miss?" I ask the girl whose dragging me with her.

"I think Hyunjin was malfunctioning, he said holy shit and that was it. You really have to shoot your shot with him," Millie squeals out. I groan and turn so her and I stand face to face. The girl looks kind of scared what I'm going to tell her.

"How do you think I can? He's miles away now and I'm not going to confess my feelings over text, that's just so unacceptable." Millie looks down, but I see a smirk on her face. "Oh no, what is your plan now?"

Millie lifts her head. "After interviews, we're going to South Korea. You know, for vacation." She winks at me and that makes me giggle. "Then, you can confess and stuff. Guys actually like it when the girl takes the first step, you know? And before that, tease the hell out of him."

With that I break out in laughter and Millie joins me. "Evil plan, but I'm in. And you'll be my wingwoman." The girl looks at me with a smile. "No doubt, girl."

Then, I receive a text message from Hyunjin himself. Millie smiles at me brightly and squeezes my hand.

The Angel Hyunjin

You look beautiful today <33

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