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Wednesday has made an awful mistake. She has lied to her parents. That isnt much of a big deal, shes lied to them before. She lied about how much people she has tortured this year. She lied about how much weapons she owns. She lies about most things to them, which isnt something she is proud of.

However, this lie was a terrible mistake. This lie had consequences.

This was terrible.

It all started when Wednesdays mother called her unexpectedly.

"Hello, mother." She said evenly, looking at her mother through the crystal ball.

"Wednesday, dear! I cant wait to see you this break." She said with a warm smile.

Wednesday hummed, wanting to get this conversation over with.

"Is there a reason you are calling me in my writing hours?" Wednesday asked.

"Uncle Fester told us about how you have a secret that he couldnt reveal." She said, frowning st her daughter.

Wednesdays hands turned uncharacteristically sweaty. "And why would he tell you that?" She asked, suddenly frustrated at her uncle.

"He was high off of poison. But, that isnt the point. I am concerned, Wednesday, please darling, tell me?"

Wednesday swallowed nervously. "Its none of your concern, mother." Wednesday replied dismissively. It really wasnt a big deal, either. Actually, her parents would be undeniably supportive, but she just wasnt ready.

"Wednesday, come on. Im your mother." She pushed.

Wednesday knew her mother well enough to know she would never live this down.

"This isnt to your concern, but i have a lover." She blurted out.

Morticias eyes widened. "Wednesday this is brilliant! This is amazing, me and Gomez have to prepare to see them, i will talk to you later darling, thank you for trusting me with this information!" Morticia said excitedly. Before Wednesday could even open her mouth to deny she saw black smoke.

So, this is what led her to walking over to Enids side of the room nervously, needing an incredible amount of help.

"Enid." Wednesday embarrassedly resorted to her roommate for help.

She loomed over her bed, awaiting for her response.

Enid looked up from her phone and smiled at the girl. She put the phone down and sat down cross legged, giving Wednesday her full attention. "Wednesday!" She replied with way more passion.

"It seems i have made an awful mistake that cannot be undone." Wednesday said, her face and voice forcibly steady.

Enid noticed this and dropped her smile, now worried for the girl. She shuffled back on the bed and pat the space infront of her. Wednesday took the offer hesitantly, sitting infront of Enid with both her knees resting on the bed.

"What happened, Wednesday?" She asked worriedly.

Wednesday shook her head, trying to seize the worry. "It isnt a big deal. Its something to do with my parents." Wednesday stated, looking down at Enids hand that was dangerously close to her thigh. Now that she thinks of it, they were unnecessarily close, Wednesdays knees almost met Enids legs, only failing by a few inches.

"Did something happen to one of them, Weds?" Enid asked, seeming even more worried.

Wednesday sighed. "Enid. Nothing happened to them. I told them a lie that i cannot take myself out of." Wednesday deadpanned.

Enid made an 'oh' face before laughing nervously. "Oh okay! Maybe i could help, what did you do this time?" Enid smirked jokingly. Wednesday glared at her before she spoke.

"I... I told them that i had a significant other. They were pressuring me on something that i didnt want to reveal just yet, so that was the only thing that came to mind." Wednesday clenched her jaw, thinking about how she wouldve outed herself if she had actually said what it was.

Enid nodded her head in deep thought, not questioning what the thing was. Then, as if a switch comically flipped in her head, she bounced up and down on the bed with -hopefully- an amazing idea.

"Oh! We could date!" Enid exclaimed.

Wednesday opened her mouth, speechless and surprised. "Im...please, elaborate." Wednesday urged, confused on how this would work.

"Well, you told your parents that you had a significant other, NOT a boyfriend! I could pretend to be your 'lover' and everything! Its not like i wanted to go home anyway." Enid explained.

Wednesday considered the thought. So, she was still outing herself. But, it was a decent idea, this means they wouldnt bother her about how important a lover is because she supposedly had one. And, it would save Enid from staying with her fool of a mother.

"Okay." She replied simply. Enid gleamed. "Oh! This is going to be so fun!" Enid squealed, practically vibrating with excitement.

Wednesday ignored her as she made her way off the disgustingly colourful bed. She couldnt believe she actually touched that...thing.

"Ooo! Weds, we get to go on dates and hold hands." Enid wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Is that all youre expecting us to do, Enid?" Wednesday asked seriously.

Enids cocky expression turned into a confused one in a matter of seconds.

"Oh, Enid. There will be much more. When an Addams falls inlove, they fall hard. We have to make this as believable as possible. You will be called ridiculous nicknames, receive random kisses from me, receive unnecessary amount of gifts, i would be protective over you and you would be showered in my parents love and affection. Are you up for the task, querida?" She asked, a barely even there smile on her face.

Enid blushed wildly, thinking of Wednesday doing every singly one of those things.

"Well?" Wednesday asked.

Enid blushed as she opened her mouth. "Kisses..?" She asked surprisedly.

Wednesday nodded. "However, we could say we would rather keep those private. I think a simple kiss on the cheek is enough to convince them." Wednesday said as she fixed the sleeve of her shirt.

Enid nodded slowly.

She was not going to make it out alive.

THIS WAS THE FIRST CHAPTER GUYS!!! I hope you enjoyed because this was very fun to write i cant wait to write the second chapter 😈

1024 words!!

Also, should i make Enid speak another language too or should i make her use normal nicknames? If i should make her speak another language what should it be?

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