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IK YALL MISSED ME 😘😘😘 i didnt die yall 😒 was very busy and very unmotivated, hopefully gunna post on my one shot stuff soooonnn!! Also imma change the names of the chapters into like the numbers because i dont wanna come up with names no more ☺️ anyways,enjoy this babies <3


Enid looked around her, smiling softly. "You set this up while i was gone..?" She whispered, looking at her fake girlfriend, who was looking at her own work.

"Yes. I figured, if it did go wrong, you might need some cheering up. Even though it went well, it would be a shame to waste all my time on something to be discarded so easily." Wednesday reconsidered. Enid took in the scenery before her.

On the first night she arrived, Wednesday took Enid to her garden- to the bench swing.

Again, she appeared to be in the same spot. However, this time it was decorated- a lot. Candles were splayed around a small picnic blanket that had a basket supposedly full of food. Enid knew Wednesday spent her time on this, as there were petals around the picnic blanket- not just any petals, her favourite flowers. Orchids. The attention to detail made her heart beat faster- and even make her fall for Wednesday even more.

This was not good.

"Would you like to join me?" Wednesday asked. Enid looked down to see Wednesday holding out her hand invitingly.

Maybe she could enjoy this. Its not like this can impact their friendship just because she likes her, right? Right?

Enid took Wednesdays hand, letting her lead the both of them to the black and fluffy blanket where they both sat down, laying next to each other naturally. Enid let Wednesday chat on about her day, listening intently.

It normally wasnt like this. Normally it was Enid talking and Wednesday listening. But Wednesday had much more to say- which Enid wasn't complaining about. It was nice for a change once in a while. And it was a good distraction. Wednesday talked about how her day was without Enid. Talked about how she finally met up with Eugene, and how they talked and had a coffee before they went their own ways. Talked about how she helped her mom clean out the coffins and helped her dad with new,more modern fencing techniques she learnt in school.

Enid listened carefully as they both laid on the comfortable blanket, staring at the ceiling as one chattered away and as one listened.

All of this made Enid fall for her harder. Much harder.

"And then, Xavier texted me."  She said after explaining how she helped her brother clean some of his knives.

Enids ears perked up, turning her head to meet Wednesday. "Yeah?" She asked cautiously.

Wednesday nodded once. "Yes." She replied.

Enid paused, looking up at the sky once again. Wednesday followed suite.

After a few seconds of silence, Enid finally spoke.

"What did he say?" She asked.

Wednesday looked over to Enid once again, staring at her side profile.

"We just had a normal conversation." Wednesday said evenly. She watched as Enids jaw clenched, her eyes closing slowly. Was that anger? Guilt? Jealousy?

"What was the conversation about?" She asked carefully, looking at Wednesday too now.

Wednesday shrugged. "Just some stuff to catch up on. Hes got a girlfriend, now." She deadpanned, staring into Enids eyes that visibly relaxed. "Thats nice." Enid said softly.

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