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Wednesday crossed her arms, slouching into the couch that was shared with her parents, Pugsley and Enid.

This was a nightmare.

And the fact that she had to touch Enid and act like theyre in love doesnt make it any better.

Wednesday shuffled closer to Enid, placing an arm around her shoulder. Enid gave Wednesday a side glance accompanied with an eyebrow raise. "Oh, right, touchy Weds.." Enid whispered quietly.

Wednesday furrowed her brows. She thought this was 'touchy'? She only put an arm around her shoulder to make space, this wasnt even the start to her affection.

Nonetheless, she hummed as a reply.

"My little lovebirds, would you like some snacks? Is my little wolf and viper hungry?" Gomez asked. Wednesday looked over to him, being met with two pairs of black eyes. Morticia was holding out a bowl of popcorn, Gomez having some chocolates in his.

Wednesday raised her eyebrows. "I see you stocked up on more reasonable foods to give our guests. However, Enid, like most wolves, cant consume too much chocolate in a day. Shes already had a bar of chocolate today, and you should know i do not enjoy the sweetness of it." Wednesday explained.

She looked over to Enid,. Who was frowning. "Awe, i hate how you know about my werewolf-ness!" She exclaimed. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "You could still have the popcorn, it shouldnt do you any effect. And, i do enjoy the sound of crunching it makes in my mouth, like stepping on bones." Wednesday smiled thoughtfully.

Enid grimaced. "God, you didnt have to say it like that, but sure!" Enid tried to rid the thought out of her head with a smile.

Wednesday nodded, taking the bowl out of his fathers hand. "Here." Wednesday gently placed the bowl in her fake girlfriends lap. Enid gave her a look.

Wednesday rolled her eyes. It was the same look she gave her when she wouldnt apologise to her friends when she was being rude. The same look when she attempted to spike Yokos food with garlic. The same look when she didnt say thank you to the dinner lady when she served them food.

"Thank you, father." Wednesday mumbled after turning toward Gomez. Gomez smiled, proudly wiping a fake tear. "You are very welcome my little storm cloud."

Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Anything for my Enid." Wednesday gritted out, giving Enid a look. Enid smiled and leaned her head on Wednesdays shoulder, picking up a piece of popcorn and popping it in to her mouth.

"Can we start this movie already?" Wednesday deadpanned.

Pugsley perked up. "Thats what ive been waiting for! Anything else that needs to be talked about before i turn on this awesome movie?" He asked impatiently. Wednesday smirked. "Enid, my love, do you need a blanket?" Wednesday asked, obviously trying to annoy Pugsley.

Enid shook her head with a nervous smile. "No, no, its okay, Weds." She replied dismissively.

Wednesday hummed. "I see. Well then, Pugsley, you may proceed." Wednesday nodded.

Pugsley sighed a quiet 'finally' before he pressed a button on the TV remote, making the movie turn on.

Enid comfily snuggled closer toward Wednesday. "Why would i need a blanket when you are so warm.." Enid mumbled. Wednesday took the popcorn out of Enids lap, afraid that it was about to tumble off of her. "Maybe i should get rid of the blanket in my room so we can cuddle all night long." Wednesday teased, only loud enough for Enid and Pugsley to hear.

She knew Pugsley heard because she quite literally felt him slowly shuffle away from them. Wednesday smirked.

She felt Enids cheek grow hotter against the side of her neck. "You okay?" Wednesday asked.

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