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She was right, she could sleep with Enid in her arms- even better perhaps. Too much better.

Wednesday awoke at 2:46pm. Enid was still sound asleep on top of her, but in a different position. She had her face stuffed into her neck, her arms are around her waist still, but much tighter.

She didnt know if she should wake Enid up or not.

She really needed a shower, and she could taste her disgusting breath, but Enids slow rises and falls and her little murmurs make her want to stay.

She shook her head. "Enid.." Wednesday finally spoke up. "Enid, get up. We need to go eat." Wednesday mumbled, shaking Enid to awake her.

Enid groaned before opening her eyes, looking up at Wednesday sleepily. "5 minutes..." she tried to compromise, hugging Wednesday tighter.

Wednesday grunted, pleased by the oxygen decrease but displeased by Enids words.

"Enid, it is almost 3pm. We missed breakfast and lunch, get up." Wednesday demanded. It was Enids turn to grunt as she looked up at Wednesday.

"Only 5 minutes.." she insisted, the side of her head now resting on Wednesdays chest.

Wednesday clenched her jaw, hating the fact that Enid wasnt considering her feelings. "2 minutes. Im counting." Wednesday finally spoke, one of her hands making it to the small of Enids back.

Enid hummed a thank you, her eyes closing gently.

Wednesday closed her own. What else could she do?

Suddenly there was a knock at their door. Wednesdays eyes widened in surprise and embarrassment. Enid had fallen back asleep in a matter of seconds, so Wednesday couldnt escape her grasp. "Enid!" Wednesday whisper yelled, shaking her lightly.

Enid grumbled, only making the situation worse by burying her face into the side of Wednesdays neck.

"Who is it?" Wednesday asked, loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.

"Wednesday? Im coming in, okay?" She heard her mother voice.

Wednesday couldnt help the blush that took place on her cheeks. Before she could protest, the door was open for Morticia to enter, closing the door behind her before looking at the couple.

Her eyebrows shot to the roof at the sight.

Wednesday laid flat on her back, Enid directly on top of her with her face covered by Wednesdays neck. Her arms were firmly around Wednesdays waist as Wednesdays own hands rested on Enids back. Even though Wednesdays heart was beating faster than usual, her facial expression remained neutral.

Wednesday cleared her throat. "Mother." She greeted almost awkwardly.

Morticia looked into her daughters eyes, not expecting to see the light blush on her cheeks and tip of her nose.

"Wednesday." Morticia greeted back. "You missed breakfast and lunch, so i came to see if you guys were hungry. I...am going to let you guys rest for a little. Be up by 3:30." Morticia said.

Enid stirred, finally waking up. "Weds...why is your heartbeat so fast...?" Enid mumbled tiredly. Wednesday quickly but firmly smacked Enids back, making Enid groan and wake fully. "Wednesday! What was that for?" Enid exclaimed.

Wednesday ignored her, looking at her mother instead. Enid followed her eyes, her own eyes widening at the sight of Wednesdays mom. She scrambled to roll onto her side, not wanting to embarrass Wednesday. "Shoot- Mrs.Addams! I didnt hear or see you come in, im so sorry! I wouldve woken up sooner if i knew you would get bothered!" Enid said in a panic, sitting up.

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