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Wednesday watched as Enid stuffed her second suitcase to the brim from her bed. "Enid, do you want some help?" She asked cautiously.

Enid looked at Wednesday for a seconds before returning her attention to the case infront of her. "No, im done." She said simply, closing the case carefully.

Wednesday hummed as she picked up her own suitcase.

Enid looked at her and beamed, unable to contain her growing excitement.

Wednesday couldnt help but let her eyes soften at the blonde. "Lets go." Wednesday said, offering her hand to Enid.

Enid looked at both her hands and laughed nervously as both of them were occupied by the suitcases.

"Hm. Would you like me to carry one?" She asked.

Enid shook her head. "No its fine, Weds!" She said, laughing.

"Oh, i apologise. That wasnt meant to be a question. I meant, give me one of your suitcases." She demanded.

Enid recoiled backward at the tone before she handed one to Wednesday. Wednesday nodded as she walked infront of Enid, leading her to the car.


"Wednesday! Let me take those suitcases, dear!" Morticia insisted straight away, taking them off of her and giving them to Lurch blindly. "So, where is your boyfriend?" She asked teasingly.

"Girlfriend. Its Enid." Now that her hands were free, she took hold of one of Enids hands, noting that it was sweaty due to the nervousness. 

Enid smiled anxiously.

Morticias eyebrows raised but quickly composed herself. "I see, welcome to the family, Enid." Morticia said warmly, extending her hand out.

Enid cringed, her hands embarrassingly sweaty. "La mano de Enid es sólo para que yo la sostenga." Wednesday said, saving Enid from the embarrassment. She tried not to cringe at her own words.

Her mothers eyes widened in shock. "I see. Well, im sure Gomez would be pleased to hear this." She smirked.

Enid watched the interaction, very interested to know what Wednesday said.

She watched as Morticia headed toward the car.

Wednesday reached into her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. "Enid, stop getting nervous. Shes not going to kill you." Wednesday mumbled as she walked toward the car too, pulling Enid along.

Enid took the handkerchief thankfully, letting go of Wednesdays hand to wipe her sweaty hands before handing it back. Wednesday grimaced as she stuffed it in her pocket.

"Sorry, but your mum is very intimidating." She mumbled.

Wednesday smirked. "Get used to it, mio amore." She opened the car door for Enid, helping her get in the car cautiously, entering after her.

Enid sighed as she laid her head on Wednesdays shoulder, making her flinch expectantly. Enid looked up into Wednesdays eyes, who was looking down at her with confusion. Enid just smiled and snuggled closer. "I didnt get much sleep last night because i was so nervous. Can i take a nap?" She asked Wednesday innocently.

Wednesday just hummed and looked at her mother, who was staring at them proudly. "You dont have to ask if you could sleep, mi amor." She explained evenly, pulling their conjoined hands into her own lap.

This was torture.

She listened to Enids steady breaths as she fell into a deep slumber. Wednesday couldnt help but lean her head on Enids and rest her eyes, bathing in the feeling.

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