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As you can tell there is implied sexual content 💀💀

Enid grumbled tiredly, shifting her position. She slowly opened her eyes, her mind rendering everything. She was in a...park? Somewhere grassy...Oh! No,no, it was the Addams garden!
Wait, shes still in the garden?

If she fell asleep that means...

She turned her head to see Wednesday staring down at her with her usual deadpan expression. Enids eyes widened and blushed in embarrassment.

"OH! WEDS!" She practically screamed. Wednesday shushed her with a hand to her mouth. "If you act like that, my parents would get suspicious." She mumbled. Enid looked around. There was no one there but she still kept quiet. Not like she had a choice, Wednesdays hand was cupping her mouth right now.

She simply nodded, making that hand return to Enids. "Wha...why didnt you wake me up?" She asked in a whisper.

Wednesday cleared her throat awkwardly. "You told me that you had no sleep last night. I supposed it wouldnt do me any harm to let you sleep for a decent amount of time." Wednesday admitted, her head turning to look off into the distance, not wanting to look into Enids eyes.

"Oh...sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i know you dont like touch that much." Enid giggled nervously, her head slowly leaving Wednesdays shoulder.

Wednesday looked down into her lap, sitting in silence for a few seconds.

"I...im not against it as much if its from you." She admitted in a low whisper.

Enid looked over to Wednesday, who was staring at her hands that werent intertwined with Enids anymore. "So...you wouldnt mind me lying on your shoulder again?" Enid asked anxiously.

Wednesday lifted her head to meet Enids eyes finally.

She stared at her for a moment.

"No, i wouldnt." She spoke clearly, and somehow kept her voice even.

Enid slowly and hesitantly laid her left side of her head on Wednesdays right shoulder once again.

Wednesday showed no reaction, except for the slight change in heart rate, which Enid may or may not have heard due to her werewolf ears.

If they were being honest, they both felt an immense amount of awkwardness at first, but once Enid relaxed onto her shoulder and Wednesdays hand reached over to Enids so they were in their original position, it was perfect.

Wednesday cleared her throat. "When you were sleeping...my father came down to check on us and told me something that is very unfortunate." She started.

Enid hummed, not looking up at her friend so she wouldnt disturb the comfortable arrangement.

And because she eouldnt dare look into those eyes at such a vulnerable moment.

"You have to promise me not to freak out." Wednesday mumbled.

Enid furrowed her eyebrows, looking at the slowly setting sun in front of her. "I...promise..?" Enid was beyond confused but somewhat intrigued. What would be so bad that she had to promise not to freak out?

"I have to sleep with you." Wednesday said simply- deadpan face and all!

Enids eyes shot open and her mouth opened
wide. "You have to SLEEP with me?!" She almost screamed.

Wednesday couldnt help by scoff as she put a hand over Enids mouth once again.

"Your room was filled with bats, which is very common in this household. So, to both our luck, we have to share a room again. But also a bed. And a closet. And everything else that comes with sharing a room. In better words than my last, i have to sleep in the same bed as you." Wednesday finally explained.

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