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Ngl idk how it even came to flirting but play alonggg

sexual mentions/jokes- obvi no smut


The day went by faster than usual, nothing interesting happened at all to be fair.

Except for the reminder she does in fact like Wednesday everytime she would touch or talk to her. Especially when she would flirt with her.

But, she managed to live through it. The worst part was going to bed.

They both actually brushed their teeth before bed and changed their clothes this time round.

"It seems you enjoyed sleeping with me yesterday, yes? Considering the fact you were practically smothering me in your sleep." Wednesday pointed out, sitting on the end of the bed.

Enid blushed, swallowing hard. "Yeah, sorry about that. I guess i was just really tired." Enid tried to play it off cool.

Wednesday looked up at her, her eyes searching her face. Enid suddenly felt very insecure- did she have something on her face? Was she blushing too much? Were her eyes actually heart shaped right now?!

Wednesday blinked once, which made Enid surprised. She never blinked, she was like an alert cat. She would only blink in times she was genuinely scared, confused or when she was feeling vulnerable.

It could be either the last two- she would hate herself if it was the first.

She nearly missed how Wednesday softly patted the place on the bed that was next to her, inviting Enid to sit with her.

Enids eyes wandered elsewhere, blush now incredibly visible. She slowly walked toward Wednesday, replacing Wednesdays hand by sitting down.

Wednesday turned her whole body toward Enid, crossing her legs on the bed. Enid awkwardly did the same.

Enid cleared her throat nervously. "So..whats up?" Enid asked, regretting it as soon as it came out her mouth. Whats up? Was she a teenage boy greeting his mates? Was she a weirdo who has never spoken to a girl in her life? Was she the girl who was so nervous that she said 'whats up' to her crush?! Yes. Yes she was.

"This morning. Before i went to shower, you were acting strange. Well- stranger than usual. Is there a reason for this, Enid?" Wednesday asked gently, her voice laced with an uncharacteristic amount of worry.

Enid suddenly remembered that she had to confront Ajax tomorrow, her heart dropping to the floor- or bed in this matter.

"Oh, no, i was hungry, like i said." Enid said with a fake smile, giggling half-heartedly.

It wasnt convincing enough, however, because Wednesday felt the need to reach for Enids hands that were previously neatly placed on her calves, lifting them up slowly. "Enid. Just because we arent actually lovers, doesnt mean i am not your.." she paused, giving herself a second to grimace at the words she was going to use. "best friend." She closed her eyes and sighed, as if she was confessing the worst sin she has done to god himself. "Please, dont feel the need to hide stuff from me, as i will, hopefully, never do the same to you." Wednesday spoke understandably, her voice soft.

Enid smiled softly, giggling at the softness. "When have you gone so soft, Addams?" Enid asked jokingly. Wednesday rolled her eyes, shuffling to get on her knees, walking on them to get closer to Enid, making Enid blush. "Im serious, Enid. Please tell me..?" Wednesday asked hopefully, even using the word please.

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