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The rest of the meal was...awkward to say the least. Wednesday ordered Enid food as she insisted, the meal being under $100, and the two ate in an awkward silence as the Addams family around them talked. The only thing out of the pairs mouth was the sounds of chewing, awkward coughs and occasional giggles (from Enid) when Wednesdays parents would make a joke.

However, one of the others seemed to notice the awkward atmosphere surrounding the two, as they kept talking without including the two. Which was good. A very good thing.

The family decided, meaning Pugsley and Wednesdays childish parents, an arcade that was nearby was a perfect place to go after the expensive dinner, forcing the couple along, insisting that the games and activities there would be fun.

It was not.

The two were dragged along once more,the day ending with an exploration of the town, the duo unwillingly tagging along. They explored different types of activities, Enid being forced to show Pugsley how to rock climb before they got back, these different activities that was meant to be a simple dinner taking up the whole day.

Once they arrived back at the manor, none of them spoke much. Of course they wouldnt, what would they talk about?

They were both unbelievably tired, being dragged around the whole day was exhausting to say the least. The two decided that they would just get ready for bed, taking turns when they needed to be in the same place, hoping the next day will deal with the consequences and the awkwardness.


"Rise and shine my sun and moon!" Gomez shouts cheerfully from outside their shared room. Enid grumbles, her eyes being met with hazel brown. She flinched back, her heart racing insistently, as if the pair of eyes caused her own soul to jump.

"Fuck, Wednesday?! Dont just- just do that!" She exclaimed, her left hand flying to her still racing chest, feeling her heart beat faster under her palm.

Wednesday stares unblinkingly. "I apologise." She says sincerely before she paused, her mouth opening and closing, unsure on what to say. She quickly sits back, crossing her legs graciously, her  still hands finding the comfort of her warm thighs. Enid follows her movements with her eyes,  finding the strength to sit up on her elbows. "Its alright." She finally replies after Wednesday is situated.

They both stare at one another, stumbled on what to say. The awkwardness made Enid want to cut her ears off at the deafening silence.



They both attempted to speak at the same time. Enid laughed nervously. "You should speak. Your mind is more clever than mine." She jokes half-heartedly, trying to rid of some tension that was slowly building in the room.

Wednesday nods once. "We should...uh, speak about what happened." She stop, looking away from Enids brightening face, her eyes falling on the half empty glass on the desk beside her instead. "In the bathroom." She finishes.

Enid nodded, giggling awkwardly. "Yeah, i was going to say something similar." She admitted, sitting up fully, leaning her upper half on the headboard.

Wednesday cleared her throat. "I would be the first to say that i do not regret my actions. But i must apologise for the abruptness. And... not communicating with you after." Wednesday stated calmly.

Enid nodded. "I dont regret my actions either." Just saying those words made her heart beat faster. "And, im pretty sure i kissed you..?" She questioned.

"Yes, however, i looked down at your lips indicating i would like to kiss you, so it was my idea which you initiated." Wednesday spoke matter-of-factly.

Enid blushed hard. "R-right. Uh-okay...but, it was all consented so its alright. Just...?" She stops herself, unsure if the next thing was true. She couldnt be the one to decide if this is a one time thing. She liked the girl!

"It was consented. None of us are at fault, thankfully." She searched Enids face, a small tint of slightly concealed pink tinted her cheeks. "Is this a...?" Wednesday trailed off. Her palms felt warm and moist ontop of her thighs. Whats gotten into her?! Get a grip.

"Uh.." Enid blushed. "One time thing? Or we can... i dont know..." she fidgets with her fingers awkwardly.

"One time thing. No strings attached." Wednesday finalised, her eyes searching Enids reaction.

Enid nodded slowly, unsure on how to feel. Disappointment filled her heart, followed by relief that they wont be awkward again. "Okay! Thats good, really good." She nodded aggressively, happy with the answer that was spoken.

Wednesday nodded. "We should get ready before my parents freak." She huffed, Enid laughing as she left the comfort of their duvet. She nodded, agreeing. Wednesdays parents were weirdly scary.


Short chapter so you guys arent waiting much for an update.

813 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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