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Enid bit her lip, closing her eyes.

Today was the day.

She was going to break up with the guy she wanted to be with for most of her nevermore years.

She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Wednesday?" She asked, looking behind her.

To her disappointment, it was Wednesdays mother.

That shouldnt have felt so disappointing.

"Sorry, darling, shes still showering."

"Yeah, i know. 32 minutes to finish showering and changing." She mumbled sadly.

Morticia looked a little surprised for a second before chuckling lightly. "Whats on your mind, sweetheart?" She asked seriously, sitting next to Enid on the couch.

Enid shook her head with a false smile. "Its nothing, im just meeting someone who im not too...accustomed to." Enid said carefully.

Moticia nodded understandingly. "Your family?" She asked expectantly.

Enid opened her mouth to deny but stopped herself. "Ah..yes..you know me so well..!" She laughed lightly.

Morticia hummed. "Im sure it will be fine, dear. Why dont you take Wednesday with you? Im sure she would love protecting her lover." Morticia said teasingly.

Enid giggled with a blush. "Y-yeah..uh, im sure shes busy. And..i would rather talk to him alone." Enid mumbled.

Morticia looked at her, confused. "Him?" She asked. Enid wasnt meant to say 'him.'

Enids eyes widened. "O-oh! Yes! My..brother. Thats the guy im meeting!" Enid spoke instantly.

Morticia hummed approvingly. "I see. I will see if Wednesday could come and console you, my dear." Morticia spoke, getting up.

Enid giggled half-heartedly and nodded. "Its no big deal, ma'am. Im going to head out in an hour or two anyway." Enid said with a slightly sad face.

Morticia nodded, getting up and patting Enid on the shoulders. "I wish you the best of luck with your family." She said before she walked toward the kitchen.

Enid smiled awkwardly. Family..


Wednesday helped Enid put on her jacket, patting it down. She quickly fixed the colar of Enids shirt before looking proudly at the outfit she helped the wallowing Enid pick out. Even thought it was colourful, it was still in her style.

Enid felt Wednesdays thumb roughly brush her cheek, before showing her the brown stain. "Chocolate, really?" She asked with a blank face-almost as if she had expected such indecency.

Enid giggled nervously. "I stress eat, okay?!" She defended with a pout. She looked down guiltily.

Wednesday rolled her eyes with a sigh before she spoke.

"10 minutes. If you dont text, call, or return home in those conditions, there is going to be police cars arriving to the park." Wednesday said.

Enid rolled her eyes. "Wednesday, theres no-"

Wednesday shut her up with a much more harsher glare than her usual.

"I dont trust him." She growled out.

Enid furrowed her brows. "Ooohhh-kayyy..." she dragged out awkwardly before she cleared her throat.

"I should get going." Enid rushed out.

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