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Enid awoke from her sleep, yawning tiredly. She looked at the time.


She groaned, looking down to see Wednesday in her arms.

She smiled down at it softly before she pulled her closer.

Wednesday grumbled a little, her head resting on Enids bicep.

Enid didnt get much sleep. She woke up every few hours, only to be reminded of the events that would happen the following day.

She suddenly felt Wednesday stir away.

She looked down at the raven hesitantly, watching as she looked up at the wolf, confused.

"Enid? What time is it?" She asked with a raspy voice.

"Almost 7:15." She whispered quietly.

Wednesday hummed, closing her eyes again as she tried to discreetly get closer. "Why are you awake?" She mumbled tiredly.

Enid sighed, looking at the ceiling. "If im going to be honest..im a little stressed." She grumbled, angry at herself.

Wednesday opened her eyes again, looking up at Enid.

"Stressed?" She asked, lifting her arm to rub her eye. "Stressed about what?" She asked hesitantly, her hand rubbing softly at Enids waist ever so slightly.

Enid didnt even notice her hand was there until that moment. She blushed hard. God, she needed to find a way to control these feelings.

"Just.. everything with Ajax tomorrow." She mumbled angrily.

Wednesday stopped her hand, slowly lifting herself up. She was now sitting up, her legs stretched out in front of her as she laid on the headboard, patting her lap hesitantly.

Enid tilted her head, slightly sad that Wednesday let go of her.

Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Come, sit here." She mumbled embarrassedly.

Enid blushed as she complied hesitantly, her knees on either side of Wednesdays as her hands made here way to Wednesdays shoulders awkwardly.

Wednesday huffed, pulling her closer by the waist.

Enid blushed as she got dragged closer. "O-oh.." she stuttered out awkwardly.

Wednesday cleared her throat. "First of all, i would like to inform you that, since its past 12 am, it is now 'tomorrow' so everything with Ajax is actually today. Also- everything with Ajax would go fine, believe me. I will be calling you every 10 minutes to assure you are alive and well. If you dont answer, i will get lurch to drive me to you. You installed...find my iPhone(?) on my phone, didnt you?"

Enid blinked, trying to process all the information.

"Oh..okay. That.." Enid thought for a second. "Thats actually perfect." She said surprisedly.

Wednesday hummed. "So, would you let us go to sleep peacefully now?" She asked, her eyes still droopy with tiredness.

Enid bit her lip softly. "I..dont think im tired anymore." She explained as she chuckled nervously.

Wednesday hummed, hesitating. "Would you..still hug me?" She asked embarrassedly.

Enid giggled as she nodded.

"Of course."

Wednesday nodded awkwardly before she hugged Enid tightly, closing her eyes.

"O-oh! In this position?" She asked confusedly.

Wednesday hummed tiredly.

"Would you at least let me get my phone?"

Wednesday shook her head.

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