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Wednesday woke up, sweating. Unusual. She tried to move, but, forgetting Enid was a being in this bed, couldnt move at all. At. All. Wednesday huffed. "Enid. We have plans today, we must be up by now." Wednesday informed, loud enough for Enids werewolf ears. Said werewolf huffed and turned ontop of Wednesday. "Frive mrore mimutes..." she grumbled incoherently.

Wednesday nudged her with her shoulder as best as she could. "Now, Enid." blue irises were met with brown after a few seconds. "What plans?" She mumbled, coherent enough for Wednesday to understand. Wednesday smirked uncharacteristically. "You would be happy. Your dearest, me, has planned for a family outing." Wednesday spoke proudly.

Enod shot up, now sitting in Wednesdays lap, not expecting the words. "You what?!" She exclaimed. Wednesday sat up on her elbows. "Yes. This was decided when you went away to talk to Ajax. I forgot to mention it." Wednesday admitted, disappointed in herself.

Enid huffed. Wednesday wrapped an arm around Enids waist for support, using her as a way to pull herself up into a sitting position. "Are you mad? I could easily cancel." Wednesday spoke reassuringly. Enid shook her head with a whine. "No, no, no! Trust me, i like this family very much! Its just that, you know, i am your girlfriend to them, so i feel as if...as if i need to live up to their standards, you know?" She giggled nervously, she was afraid Wednesday would think shes overreacting.

Wednesday lifted the hand that wasnt attached to Enids waist, using it to slowly rub Enids cheek with her thumb, her palm cupping the flesh delicately. "Enid, i assure you my family adores you, you do not have to change for them, nor do you have to change for me. You are perfect for me, and if my family cannot fathom to notice that, i may decapitate them one by one, just for you." Wednesday said seriously, not stuttering once and keeping eye contact stubbornly.

Enid blushed under Wednesdays hand. "Wednesday...that was..." she couldnt help but blink away the tears that threatened to drop. "Dont cry, Enid." Wednesday whispered almost softly as she wiped away a stray tear with her thumb.

Just then, the door burst open. Does anyone ever know how to knock? Interestingly, they never knock whenever its always these moments. How strange. Wednesday huffed, feeling Enid flinch in her lap, turning around. "Mrs. Addams! Good morning!" She exclaimed happily, the redness in her eyes indicating she was crying. Morticia looked at Wednesday with a raised eyebrow, an unspoken question.

"She was feeling...sad, i suppose. I was merely cheering her up." She gave Enids cheek one last rub before letting that hand rest on the opposite side of Enids waist, both hands holding onto each side now. Enid couldnt help but shuffle nervously on Wednesdays lap before settling finally at Morticias empathetic face.

"Sad? What could make my bundle of sunshine so sad in the morning, was it you?" Morticia almost scolded at Wednesday. Wednesday narrowed her eyes. "Dont even think about accusing me of upsetting my Enid ever again. It was a personal matter, nothing too big. Now, is there a reasoning for you to barge into my room like that?" Wednesday asked gruffly.

Enid yawned tiredly before Morticia spoke. "Yes, i was wondering if we were still going to that place?" She asked with a tilted head. Wednesday looked at Enid, who nodded once with a soft smile. "Yes, we will be ready. We just woke up, so it may be a while." Wednesday finalised. "If youre fine with getting off of me now, Enid, i would appreciate it." Wednesday directed at the wolf.

Enid blushed as she nodded. "Right! Of course, my love!" Enid obeyed, climbing off of Wednesday. "Im going to go wash off, okay? You can tell me what to wear." Enid spoke as she made her way to her towel. Wednesday narrowed her eyebrows. "Why would i need to help you with what youre wearing?" She asked.

Enid huffed as she made her way back to Wednesday with her shower towel draped on her arm. "Because i dont know how the place looks!" She huffed as if it was obvious. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Firstly, dont start a sentence off with because. Its informal. Secondly, it doesnt matter what you wear. You would look perfect in anything." Wednesday said confidently as she jumped off the bed and took a step closer to Enid.

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