Find me

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With a scalpel he incised the skin, widened the incision and began resecting the area. His room attendant adjusted his scialytics optimally. He thanked her with his eyes.

The stupid policewoman had not minded her own business. A normal road check where she could safely mind her own business. But she didn't.

She had to get his trunk opened, find the little girl, and arrest that idiot. Little bad for him, he had always considered him a loser and a loser. But he had the computer, and there was data and information there about his goods.

He knew it was a bad idea to have him move to Bücher but he had no alternative. His wife had planned a vacation that week and he would never miss it because events were planned. And who better than he loved the stage where he could show off as well as the beautiful lady he had married a few years earlier?

Not that he loved her, she was just beautiful and she was as rich as he was. A kind of business marriage you could say. And he needed her. He needed her for his façade as an impeccable person.

The beauty of it was that he had not trusted Markus but in hindsight had concluded that perhaps he would be more trustworthy than the idiot whose face was all over the news along with hers.

The great good policewoman with her splendid insight. Clap clap. It was seeing her face that he decided he was going to make her pay because that little girl was going to cost him his head. Because she had already been paid in advance. And handsomely.
He gave orders to close the patient and went to wash up.


Damn it! I still hadn't been able to pull myself to my feet. I wasn't going to sit and wait for events. No one was going to come and rescue us from that place although I hoped for it with all my heart. In all likelihood it was an isolated place. A place with no street cameras. Exactly like where they had caught me. They must have studied it well, otherwise they had been too lucky.

He answered me immediately
"Tell me."

"Tell me about yourself. Tell me about when you found yourself here."
I hoped that from his story I would be able to get something out of it. Anything would do.

"I was returning from school. I remember getting off the bus and walking. I remember a car pulled up beside me at one point. And someone asked me for information."

"Do you remember what car it was?"

"No. I don't understand anything about cars, I just remember it was gray." .

"Do you remember if it had what do you know, any stickers, a particular license plate. Or if the person who stopped you had something familiar. I don't know Chris, anything."

"No. I'm sorry I can't help." She was genuinely sorry. I was really demanding too much of her.

"Don't worry, maybe it can be useful later. Then what happened?"

"Then nothing, I found myself here with another girl."

Something was wrong-another girl. He had not called her Natalie.

"Chris do you mean Nat?"

"No. She came later."

I tried not to let her hear from the tone of my voice that I was afraid.
"And where is she now?"

"I don't know. They took her away days ago. Then Nat came, and then you came. I think it happened other times because the other girl knew. That it would be her turn I mean. I know it too. Hailey if I don't talk to you anymore, don't think I'm mad whit you."
"Stop it I won't let you go anywhere." I was coming to tears. That little girl knew something could happen to her and instead of being afraid, she was trying to reassure me. Damn it Jake, use your fucking tricks and find me. Take us back home.

"You know you can't promise that Hailey. But thank you."

Fortunately, she couldn't see my face, couldn't see that I was moved. She was right.


"Damn it, she can't have disappeared into thin air!!!" simultaneously with this statement, in a fit of rage, the man threw a violent punch at the wall of the room he was in, instantly making his knuckles purple.

His sister jerked back in her chair as she still continued to wring her hands.
A visibly worried Alan tried to bring him to his senses before he threw another punch. He could understand that of course, what would he have done in his place if Cleo had disappeared? But that was not the right attitude.

"Philip I think you need to calm down. It's not helping anyone if we all start losing our heads."
Phil angrily ran his hand over his head, tossing back the black strands of long hair that had escaped from his rubber band.

"He is right. Besides, I'm sure she needs you in one piece. And now, sit down."
The woman's tone was gentle but not of one who would have admitted any retort. She was always like that, Amanda Garcia. Beautiful and assertive. Never a word out of place, never a chance to escape what she was telling you to do. In the same way she had made Jake open the door in the Motel, she sat Phil down by simply pointing him to the chair she had just pulled off the desk.

And he was certainly not the type to obey easily. But she instilled confidence. The confidence of someone who knows what he's doing. Even if she didn't know which way to start this time. No apparent clues, no leads, no cameras, no demands. At least for the time being. But it was not so obvious that she would not arrive. She was certain that they had caught her not by accident. Although she still had to figure out who and why.

To which case his disappearance was related.
"I need the cases he worked on in the last year."-he looked at Alan, who puzzled replied that it was all in his computer. In Hailey's. But the computer had the password and he certainly didn't know it. Of course, he knew the cases but personal details and notes were his alone.
Everyone present turned simultaneously to the man who, leaning against the wall by the window, was lost in thought and had not yet opened his mouth on the matter.

Find me (English)Where stories live. Discover now