Take me Home

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He arrived, parked the expensive car, drove around, opened the trunk, opened the briefcase and slipped his wife's toy into his pocket.

It was a beautiful day, he looked up through his very expensive sunglasses and took a deep breath. He felt relieved, he could almost smell freedom. If all went well he would soon be free and with his treasure in his hands.

He put his sunglasses on his head, his hair perfectly freshly cut, ran his hand over his freshly shaved beard. Psychopathic yes, but with class. He laughed to himself at that newly made thought. He walked in.

"Oh, well well. Good morning sunshine. I find you dejected, did you not sleep well? Don't you like the resort? How pretentious you are come on."

He could not stop provoking her ironically. He hoped she still had a stirring, the one that for a moment had almost made him admire her, but nothing.

She looked like a shadow of herself at that moment. A little wet chick. But perhaps it was because of the little girl's presence, that she was keeping a low profile. He decided that he would soon find out. At that moment he decided that he would release her as soon as he was sure of the authenticity of the delivery.

Otherwise if she had tried to cheat him, he would have killed them both. And the courier arrived. As arranged, he came in, carried the package inside that strange abandoned place, put it on a table, opened it, took out the contents. A computer bag. He opened it, took out the laptop contained inside, turned it on.

He waited for the screen to load with all the few icons on it. After that he picked up the box, folded it nicely, closed the laptop after turning it off again, put it back in the bag, left it on there, and left. Yes, he thought it was indeed a strange delivery but after all what did he care about people's quirks.

Money was money. Mr. Rolex watched all this from his phone, in the new camera he had mounted for the occasion. So he wouldn't even have to show himself. He considered himself truly brilliant.

After lifting his gaze from the small screen, he looked at the little girl hugging that kind of ghost.

"You! Hurry up. And leave before I change my mind."


It was late. Too late. I had tried to ask for help but no one had come. I hadn't been able to make myself understood. But he had come. And I was going to die soon in all likelihood. I hoped that at least he wouldn't do it in front of Chris. Not that she didn't know what horror was since he was there with me, but here, I wouldn't have wanted she to see me die.

There was no point in even responding to his stupid irony. I wondered what he was looking at in the phone; he seemed very absorbed. It was obvious that no one was going to give him back what he was asking for. One could not go along with such demands, especially if it meant jeopardizing a big investigation.

My death was worth nothing compared to the possibility of concluding such a discovery, and it was right. There were surely other little girls to save.
Nevertheless, I could not believe what I had heard. Was he really letting her go?

Or was it simply to get her away from me the time to take me down?  I decided I would not think too hard about it. I could see that Chris was torn between leaving and continuing to hug me. I could see the concern for me in her face. So I took a breath and became the adult I was supposed to be again, pulled her off me, had to force little fingers to get her to loosen her grip, gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you for what you did for me, I won't forget. Now go. Get out of here and run as fast as you can. Okay? Promise you won't stop for anything and you won't come back no matter what you hear. Promise!"

"No, if you don't come with me I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying with you." She was about to start crying dammit. I couldn't allow that. I couldn't risk that fool changing his mind. Oddly enough, he was blissfully enjoying the show without a word but I wasn't going to play too much on his reliability.

"Enough. You have to go. I'm leaving you with an assignment, and this one you can't say no to. Find Phil and apologize for me for not coming home. Okay? Tell him I will always love him. Now go." I was determined to push her away. "Go away!" I raised my voice.

So even though hesitant, she found the courage to walk past the well-dressed, apparently decent-looking man, passed him, and I heard the sound of his running footsteps. I hoped there was no energetic man waiting for her outside. I hoped that like a mouse she would find the best escape route from that cursed place. It was the most beautiful sound I could hear; I had managed to free them both. I looked at him. Now I was free, no one was risking their lives anymore because of me.

"Good. Now I can stop pretending that you don't disgust me. You can complete your work. See? I told you I was worthless and you would get nothing."

The look of satisfaction appeared on his face.
"Oh, good, I finally recognize you! You would have given me less satisfaction if you hadn't breathed a word. I'm almost sorry to eliminate you, I would have gladly kept you as a pet until I got tired but...no, you've already tired me actually."

He took a gun out of his pocket, I saw him do it, like a scene sent in slow motion, and he shot me. Right in the stomach. Once, twice, three times. The third shot he gave me when I was already on the ground. I saw him walk away. And I thought I was going to die there. Forgive me Phil for not coming home. I would have liked to be able to tell you that I love you -- at least one more time.

"Wait a second, let me catch my breath

Remind me how it feels to hear your voice"

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't get up, and even if I could I still wouldn't have survived. They used to teach us in the academy where to shoot somebody, if you had time to aim you mean. I knew where I was going to end up.

A slow and painful death. I could feel the enormous pain and the warmth of my own blood slowly flowing away. Each breath sent a stream of blood out of the small holes, slow but steady. I tried to apply pressure with my hands but I didn't have the strength. Had I had a belt I would have tried to stay alive.

I don't know how much time passed. Time is a relative thing at such a time. And I had little of it anyway. I was cold, I was beginning to shiver. What a bad way to die I thought. Alone, in pain, on a cold floor, without the warmth of those you love. I tried to crawl to the wall, wished I could have sat down, next to my funny drawing in the wall.

I did, and I don't even know how I did it. I looked at the streak of blood I had left on the ground. Run Chris, run as fast as you can. I was definitely dying, it didn't even hurt that much anymore and I didn't want to die in despair. I went back to my happy memories. The smell of coffee. The smile of my man.

His hair on the pillow along with mine. My best friend's laughter. The chocolate cake. I was cold, so cold. The warmth of the burning fireplace. The warmth of a hug. Slipping into bed and finding my man hugging me. Going grocery shopping together and coming back full of bags. Because I don't know how to grocery shop and he does.

A kiss in the rain. I'm cold. Forgive me Phil, I didn't come home. Forgive me Phil I wanted to, I really did. I'm sleepy, I can't keep my eyes open anymore. And I was cold. I think I will sleep for a while. I also started dreaming. Jake's voice calling me. His big blue eyes like the sea and he calling me. I'm so tired Jake, take me home. Take me home please.

Sing me to sleep now
Sing me to sleep
Won't you sing me to sleep now?"

                Sing me to sleep - Alan Walker

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