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Jake's blue eyes lifted from what he was looking at without seeing it. He had not missed the punch in the wall; he would have done so too if he had been in him place.

Then he was lost in his own thoughts. It was amazing how life was playing with them to take turns repeating the same roles. Those who disappear and those who despair. But he wasn't despairing because he knew it wouldn't help.

He was trying to figure out how he could find her as quickly as possible and where she might be. If he figured out why, he would find who and vice versa. And he would find her. Without saying a word he walked out of that room and into her office. Everything was perfectly clean and tidy.

A pen holder, some stationery, paper files. A photo frame. That one was new, the last time he had gone in there it was not there. Last time there was a beast, under the desk, wanting his head. He smiled at the memory of the leap he had taken. A photo that was nothing short of wonderful in its simplicity was contained within it. A beautiful funny selfie of her and Phil. She was happy, very, she could tell. He was too, really beginning to be, and he never would have thought it possible. And only because of her. He thought of Jessy in the next room.

"I will find you Hailey I promise."

He knew she was alive. He knew because otherwise the body would have been there. So there had to be interest in her staying alive. And that all in all was good.
He turned on the computer, snapped his fingers between them and got to work. Fortunately, and he smiled again, she had not learned from him how to use impossible passwords.

He was interrupted only several time later by the presence of Amanda handing him a cup of coffee. Holy woman, how she was single was still a mystery to him. But perhaps it was only because he had not found anyone his equal.

"I checked Alan's cases in common with her while you were busy here. And I came to only one conclusion since it's all unimportant stuff. How stupid of me," she said in a testy tone, "I could have come to that conclusion without wasting all this time since it's all unimportant stuff.
He turned the monitor toward her. She was talking about the same thing he was looking at.


"Schatz don't wait for me, I have reports to finish."

"Work, work, work. All right, don't be late as usual, remember I have to leave early tomorrow morning. You don't want me to go without saying goodbye," said his wife slyly over the phone.

"I will make it up to you meine Liebe."
She laughed.

He ended the conversation with a grimace . He hated these false conversations, as false as the reports he said he had to finish, but those were also part of the package, take it or leave it.

She would finally get out of the way on some stupid trip like she always did. Aah the beauty of money. She was able to stay even a month traveling around the world with his stupid rich friends. Then she would come back, organize some charity event where of course he was the star.

Power fame and money no? All very nice he thought. But what he liked best about these trips was the freedom. He was free to take care of his own business.
He got into his car, looked at the time in his very expensive Rolex and headed there. Where he had been going for months now. It had not always been the same place. It was not good to stay still for too long; you risked creating habits that could be noticed. People tended after a while not to mind their own business.

He went downstairs, taking his work bag with him in addition to the food. He didn't trust her. And he had brought some sedatives in case she created more problems.


I gasped. I was falling asleep and my head had slipped forward. I was also beginning to dream. There was Jessy crying. Stop Jessy stop crying I repeated to her. But then I realized it was a dream and I was still there in that lousy place. I was hungry. And that was not good. It meant that hours were passing and I still hadn't done anything to try to get out of there.

Nothing useful except getting kicked. I heard the sound of footsteps. Lighter this time. I deduced that it was not the gorilla. It had to be the controller as the other one called him. The sound of the latch in the next room. My god he was going to the girls and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

"I'm only going to ask you once...officer- he wryly kicked in the last word- Should I expect any jokes from you?" a male voice was talking to me through the door.

How I wanted to answer him to fuck off. But I couldn't. Not while he was in the other room with the two of them alone.

"No. No jokes."

The door opened and two little girls appeared before him. They were really small and frightened-eyed. I tried to memorize as many details as possible.
The tallest one had to be Chris without a doubt. My brave little heroine. Beautiful. Black bob hair, straight, big dark eyes. Very thin. 14 but she definitely looked less.

The other, poor little Natalie was a trembling wren with light brown hair and wide, honey-colored eyes typical of someone who has been through a major trauma.
And there he stood, behind them. Definitely bigger than them. Even bigger than me. But he didn't have a blue-collar build. On the contrary. He had the air of an educated person. The confident, well-groomed look.

He was not handsome but one would have called him handsome had he not been in that context. He was wearing an undoubtedly expensive and probably custom-made suit. I also noticed the Rolex on his wrist. It was impossible to miss. Not many people could afford such a toy. And the manicured hands with long tapered fingers. Who was it that I was looking at?

"Good. Now see that you don't move from there."

I was still sitting on the floor with my back against the wall.

He handed a paper bag to the youngest.
"Now take it to her," he ordered her almost annoyed, pointing in my direction.
She began to shake even more conspicuously, definitely frightened and unable to move. His gaze betrayed anger at this hesitation on her part, probably not used to not being obeyed immediately.

"Move!" he yelled at her. With the only result of making her cry.

"Please..." I began. I didn't want to scare her any more; I didn't want anything to happen to her.

"Did I say you could talk?!" she was getting upset again. So I bit my lip. I didn't want him to vent to the girls, they were too neigh to him.

"I'll do it." A frightened but determined Chris took the bag from the hands of the creature she had set out to protect without even waiting for a response. Incredibly, the thing liked him.

"Good. Finally a smart one who has already figured it out." he looked at her smugly. I was getting nauseous.

She approached me, leaving the little girl behind, with the bag in her hand and handed it to me. I hoped she could read in my gaze the silent thanks I had reserved for her. I would have hugged her; she really was my heroine. So small and so brave.

"See?" he continued toward me, "learn. Who knows, you might stay alive like that. Otherwise someone is looking forward to spending time with you. And this time I'll pretend not to hear."

Damned bastard. I squeezed the bag with the only reaction being to frighten the little girl even more.
I relaxed my hand.

He ordered Chris to take the chair he had left just outside the door, had him put it in the center of the room, and told me to leave what I was holding on the floor as well and sit down.

After that he barked another order. And then another.
"You may go. Move!" and pointed to the door to the two, who quickly obeyed. And I found myself alone with Mr. Rolex.

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