ice cream

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"hey mother." i put my backpack down and take my shoes off. "hi daughter." she puts down her half empty wine glass. wine can only mean one thing. "bri! my favorite!" riley's mom comes out from the guest room. "liz!" i get excited and hug her when she walks up to me. "i knew you were here." i say letting go. "what gave it away?" my mom walks up to us and i give her a hug too.

"my mom only drinks when you're around." i say gesturing towards the bottle. "she's not lying." my mom shrugs. "what are you doing here? is riley here?" i put my hair up in a quick bun. "your mom is a wreck and no she's at home...i think...she better be."

i love rileys mom, she's like the cool older cousin that gives you alcohol at family parties. i take a good look at liz, riley looks just like her. i envy both of their long, blonde hair and dark blue eyes. she really is a powerful woman. "we all know moms a wreck." i'm sarcastic. "watch it!" my mom snaps as i go upstairs.

"has dad texted you? when is he coming back?" it's been three months since he left for his stupid business trip. "yes he texted this morning, he's still working babe." my mom looks at liz then finishes the rest of her glass. "anyways, your mom and i are going out. want us to bring you back anything?" liz grabs her things and so does my mom.

"no, can i have the rest?" i point at the wine bottle on the kitchen counter. "don't even think about it." my mom grabs it and puts it in the fridge. she blows me a kiss before leaving with liz.

well now what do i do?


my room door opens and i take my earphones out. "hey, where's mom?" noah asks coming in. "somewhere with liz." i close my textbooks. "yikes." he has the audacity to sit on my bed.

"get off!" i try to shove him away. "i just came from practice, i'm tired." noah lays down. "don't care, didn't ask. get off!" i hit him with a pillow. "fine." he goes to my desk and sits in the chair. i neatly place my pillow back on my bed. "how was your first day?" he asks. "it made me miss summer. what about you?" i realize i shouldn't of asked him. "glad you asked,"

ugh here we go.

"it was perfect. coach already told me that i'm still on varsity, i already met a few girls and all of my classes are easy this year." i cringe at his cockiness.

"you haven't even tried out." i say moving my glasses up higher. "exactly, i'm the best soccer player in the school." i shake my head. "wow you're cocky. you know anything about parker grey?" i say nonchalantly. my brother rolls his eyes.

"nothing. i don't like him though." he rolls around my room in my chair. "why not?" i continue my nonchalant demeanor. "he thinks he's hot shit and that everyone is in love with him."

"noah please take a look in the mirror. also the only girl that wants you is natalie." i laugh. "asshole...why do you want me and natalie together so bad?" he stands up. "because i know you like her, plus she'd be the perfect sister in law."

noah scoffs. "no i don't." he starts to pace around now.


"then why can you barely talk to her." i half-smile teasing him. "shut up. you've liked parker for four years and you've never talked to him." he says making my grin fade. "how do you know that?" noah gets up and walks towards my door. "you really should find a new hiding space for your diary."

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