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"why is she here?" i freak out and get angry at the same time. "we are settling this once and for all. your mother and i did not plan our pregnancies at the same time for you guys to stop ending up being friends. we are family!" liz says and i squint, confused.

"i have nothing to say to that bitch." riley stares at me. "this bitch has nothing to say to you." i stare back. riley tries to leave but her mom grabs her. "dining room table. now." my mom forces me downstairs.

i obey because really there's no other way out. we all go to our dining room table and sit down. everyone of us but riley. she stares at me like she's about to kill me. she grabs an apple from our fruit basket and throws it at me. thank god i have good reflexes. i dodged it and watched it hit the wall and then the floor. "really bitch?" i stand up reaching for the basket but my mom grabs it and puts it under the table.

"let's all calm down now. please riley." my mom holds her hand out. everyone sits back down. i can see the tears falling on rileys face from all the way across the table.

at first i was angry but now that i'm here sitting in silence at this weird fucking intervention, i feel horrible .

"riley i just wanted to say that i never meant to hurt you. please let me explain myself." i beg. "explain what? how i'm apparently a bitch and i treat you and natalie different? or explain how you were fucking my boyfriend last night?"

"he doesn't even want you." i accidentally say out loud. "fuck this!" riley gets up but is sat back down by her mom. i stand up and so does my mom. i look at her to let her know it's okay. i sit right next to her, praying she wouldn't try to attack me again. "give me a chance to explain everything." i beg again.

the doorbell rings and we all look at the door. "it's probably natalie." my mom gets up.

now it's just liz, riley and i. i just sit there trying my best not to look into rileys eyes. i feel like i'd turn to stone.

"oh man, what did i miss?" natalie asks. "nothing yet." liz says drinking a glass of wine. how the hell did she get that?

"riley keeps trying to fight me." i say and my mom gives me a look and i stop. "continue bri, now that everyone is here."

continue? where do i even start? from the beginning stages of my crush on parker or the beginning stages where riley started treating us like shit.

i take a deep breath. "i've liked parker since freshman year. i guess it was just a little crush the first two years of high school. it turned into something more these past few months. we started talking and getting to know each other more and i don't know, you can say i started liking him more."

i make sure to not include all the details of parker and i's relationship. "riley i didn't tell you because i knew you would try to get at him. can you blame me? you've been so boy obsessed out of nowhere and i wanted him to myself. i wanted somebody to myself."

she actually looks at me now. "that's why i didn't tell you and before you get mad at natalie, she didn't know what happened. she only knew that i liked him."

we look at nat. i feel bad for even getting her involved. "natalie i'm sorry for telling you secrets when i know that you can't keep them," we all laugh. "seriously. there will be no more secrets. i promise."

she smiles and nods. "riley i know what i did was unforgivable but i hope you forgive me one day. i love you and natalie with all my heart. i wasn't thinking straight and i fucked up. i let my feelings get the best of me and i did the worst thing possible, i let a boy get in the way of my best friend. but i'm not the only one that fucked up in this situation."

riley's quiet for a moment. "i'm sorry," she starts to cry and i feel horrible. "i don't know what's been going on with me lately. it's not the boys i've been obsessed with, it's the attention and the validation."

the energy lightens up and i look at nat. she's looking at me with the same expression on her face. this is news to the both of us.

"i'm not as confident as i come off, i've been feeling very insecure lately and i don't know... i-i just... it feels nice to be seen by people who see me in all the ways i don't see myself."



this turned out to be a whole different conversation. "i'm sorry for being a shitty friend bri. i knew you liked him, it was so fucking obvious. i wanted attention so badly that i didn't care. i'm sorry."

in a horrible way, i felt better. there was nothing wrong with me. i was good enough. all of the things i had convinced myself i was wasn't true.

riley was dealing with her own insecurities and projected them onto me.

holy shit.

"it's okay. why didn't you tell us any of this. we're your friends, we would've been here for you." natalie hugged riley.

i was too busy overthinking everything that happened in the past few months with this new realization.

there's a knock on the door. who else could that be? mason. please be mason.

i run to the door and when i open it, my mood drops even more. "go away!" i yell. "i wanted to see if you're okay." he says. i look at him. he looks the same. he looks fine as if he didn't get into a fight, cried for hours or lost his best friend.

i hate boys.

i suddenly get mad. "fuck you." i start to slam the door.
"wait no, i want to talk to him." riley catches the door before it closes. i look at her then at him. "if you don't mind." she adds making me feel guilty for some reason.

i step out of the way and go back to the table.


a/n: for some odd reason this chapter was sooooo hard to write but here ya go. in the next chapter you'll either get rileys pov or parkers idk yet.

who's pov would you like to see? rileys or parkers?

also the comments are killing me. y'all bri is a seventeen year old girl who finally caught her crushs attention... in the midst of  her parents' sudden divorce... this girl is not going to be thinking straight lmaoooo

not excusing any of her actions but its just funny to read y'alls comments. i wrote bris character as realistic as i could loll

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