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i stand there weirdly amused. being called a beautiful woman is not something that happens a lot.

"cameron really? you are not flirting with my new friend bye!" mae grabs my hand and we start walking back. "sorry. let me formally introduce myself. i'm cameron." he jumps in front of me and holds his hand out. "hello cameron flowers, i'm mari."

"please don't say my last name. it makes me feel less manly." we shake hands and i try to hold back a laugh. "you have a cool last name, own it." i shrug.

"we're leaving, dad made me come find you. now let's go and bring your new friend with us." cameron says then walks away towards the path i made with my flags. i'm having a really good time right now.

"don't mind him," mae whispers and we both laugh. "looks like i have to go though. would you and your family fancy some breakfast?" mae says in a british accent. "i'm not quite sure, today's our first day out here in this city you call olympia. apparently my dad has put together a list of things to do." i play along.

"that's a bummer. take out your telly and let me put in my number so you can reach me later." the accent continues. "yes ma'am."

we exchange phones and both put our numbers in. "there you go." maes accent is back to normal, she hands me back my phone. i look at the time and i have a mini heart attack. "shit it's ten fourty. i have to meet up with my dad." i start looking for the flags. "lets go then."

i collect the flags as we make our way back out of the forest and to the parking lot. "so are we going to talk about the random british accent?" i laugh. "nope." mae shakes her head.

we get to the parking lot and i see my dad and brother barely approaching the car. "i thought you guys said meet at eleven," i look at my phone. "it's ten fifty-three."

"wow we're a few minutes early, big deal." noah teases. "i could not listen to your brother complain for another second." my dad shakes his head. "you see what i mean?" mae and i laugh. "who's this?" my dad asks.

"dad this is mae, mae this is my dad and that diva over there is my brother, noah." i introduce everyone. "nice to meet you all." she waves.

"i would like to introduce myself as cameron. maes older brother." he comes out of nowhere. "and that's cameron." i point to him. "if you'll excuse us, my brother and i have a scheduled breakfast to get to or our parents will have our heads," the accent is back. "marie, maries dad and noah." she waves. i wave back. "marie?" my brother and dad say in unison.

"let's just go please."


we stopped to get breakfast at a nearby restaurant. the second the waiter came with our food, i dig right in. "you look like a dog eating like that." noah scrunches up his nose. i wait until i swallow my food to go off. "you look like a dog in general." i make my dad laugh and noah stick his tongue out.

"seeing you two interact is hilarious." he pats noah on the shoulder. i look at my dad and brother. there's always that feeling. that feeling that something's missing. mom.

"hello? earth to marie?" noah starts laughing. "what?" i zoned out. "why was that girl calling you by your middle name?" dad asked. if i told them it was my alter ego they would never stop making fun of me.

"because i told her that's my name." i eat my fruit waiting for them to laugh at me. "weirdo."

"what's wrong with brianna? your mother and i thought it was cute." dad eats. "marie is my name is it not?" i continue to eat.

they just stare at me and i get fed up. "why are you looking at me like that?" i put my fork down and sit back in my seat. my phone rings and i look at it. i roll my eyes and put it back down. everyone's been texting me but i just ignore them. everyone except mason and natalie at least.

"are you okay? who is it?" my dad asks. " my friends." i get lost in thought. i wonder what i'm missing out on but at the same time i don't care. i just miss mason and nat.

"let's just change the subject." noah says. he gives me this look, the look like he knows something's wrong. "okay then," there was silence. "ready for our next spot?"


"dad i don't want to go." i hug him. we had to leave in thirty minutes. i'm on the verge of tears. "i don't want you guys to go either." he hugs me tighter. did i say i'm on the verge of tears? well i lied. i'm actually crying.

"don't cry, i'll see you friday night." he rubs my back. "but i don't want to see you friday night. i want to see you everyday." i really didn't want to leave. here there was no boy problems or friend problems. just me, my dad and my brother. "dad i want to move here." i let go of him and look him in the eyes.

"bear you know you can't." i feel like crying even more. "i'm not going anywhere." i cross my arms in protest.


✧˖°.  a/n: WHAT THE FUCK!!! THANK YOU FOR 60k READS LIKE ....WHAT...I LOVE YALL SO MUCH<333333 ok bye  ✧˖°.

ps. who do you like more? parker or mason and why? i wanna know.

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