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"this is actually pretty cool." noah shows me his hand from the passenger seat. i look for a split second then i look back at the road. "your cast?" i ask making a right turn. "yeah. i feel like thanos."

i can't believe this is my brother. "how are you going to play soccer now? i know you use your feet but would your coach still let you?"

"probably not. i can still practice though, i think."

"you're such an idiot. the school year just started and if you can't play then i'll have to wait for you after school." i frown at the thought.

"you're acting like that's so bad." noah changes the radio station. "sorry but i don't want to be around you or your perv friends, especially josh after school."

"why does josh even like you?" noah lowers the music and i can feel his eyes on me. "um, because i'm pretty." i pay no attention to him and continue to drive.

"he told me things."

"what?" i quickly turn my head towards him. "brianna! pay attention! you just ran the stop sign!" noah points in front of us.


"how the hell did you get your license before me?" he yells and i laugh on the inside. "what did he tell you?" i turn onto our street. "i mean i was there too."

"and what does that mean? what did he tell you?" i park in our driveway. "well he told us that..." noah looks out the window. "us?" i take my seatbelt off. i am going to kill josh if he said something to the whole team.

"anyways." noah takes off his seatbelt and gets out of the car. oh hell no. "noah don't you dare walk away." i get out too and walk over to him. "get out of my way." noah tries to get by.

i grab his good hand and squeeze it. "what did he say?" i repeat myself. "ow! that hurts!" he tries to jerk his hand back. "tell me."

"tell me about you and mason?" he smiles. "huh? what's that about?"

i let go of his hand and walk inside of our house.

i can't stand this fool.

"your stupid son with anger issues is back." i say to my parents as i walk in and run upstairs to my room. "surprise!" natalie and riley jump up from my bed.

"what the hell!" i close my door. "surprise! your dads back!" riley throws her hands in the air. i look at natalie. she apologizes silently. right, riley doesn't know. "yeah for now." i walk over to my bed and i throw myself on it.

"how's noah's hand?" nat asks. "fractured." i close my eyes. it's been a long ass night. "what do you mean for now?" riley asks and i realize that i said something i shouldn't of. "nothing."

"okay...well if you're wondering why we're here. i need outfit help for my date with parker." riley says making my eye pop open. "you're going on a date with parker?" i ask. "yeah i think. we're going to the movies tonight."

i already feel like shit, now this...

natalie notices like always and she walks over to my desk. "so these are the outfits riley picked out." natalie smiles at me but i'm in no mood to smile. she looks sorry. "does it matter what you wear? you look good in everything." i roll my eyes and sit back on the bed.

"i know but i just couldn't decide. what do you think?" riley turns to me excited. what is she excited for? she goes on dates all the time, it shouldn't be nothing new.

someone seems jealous.

"the one with the black jeans." i go back to laying on my bed. "that's what i was thinking! okay i'll be back." riley takes the outfit and goes into my restroom.

as soon as the door closes, natalie lays right next to me. "i'm so sorry. i tried to convince her not to come but you know her. i know things are messed up right now but it wasn't my place to tell her." she whispers. "it's fine." i stare at the ceiling trying not to cry. "no it's not."

"i know." i cover my face. "we should go, this is bad timing." nat frowns.

"okay how do i look?" riley comes out of my bathroom and spins.

natalie looks at me. "you look amazing!" i use my fakest voice ever.


i'm pretty sure noah and i are the only ones home right now. it's 10:30pm and i can't sleep. i've been staring at my ceiling for thirty minutes now.

someone rings the doorbell and it echoes throughout the house. i wait a minute to see if noah goes and sees who it is. i hear his footsteps and relax. i did not feel like getting up. it rings again.

i hear the door open then i hear voices. a few seconds later i hear noah running upstairs. he opens my door and peeks in. "it's parker." he looks around. "what is he doing here? tell him i'm not here." i turn away. "i already told him i'd come get you so..."

"what kind of brother are you?" i turn back around and i get up. "sorry? i thought you wanted to talk to him." noah leaves. great. "whatever." i leave my room and i go downstairs.

"what are you doing here parker?" i cross my arms.

"that wasn't the greeting i was expecting." he starts to look me up and down. stop. "well that's what you're going to get." i try not to look at him. "what's wrong?" he asks and i automatically laugh.

oh nothing, just that you had your tongue down my throat and was eating dinner with my family a few days ago and now you're going on dates with my best friend. other than that nothing's wrong. oh let's not forget my parents are divorcing.

"nothing's wrong." i continue to look away from him. "are you sure? because you look upset." he says and i uncross my arms. "i'm not upset."

i'm angry.

"you won't even look at me."

"so what." i cross my arms again. "so are you going to tell me what's wrong?" he looks concerned but i ignore his question. "how was your date?" i ask smiling. "so that's what you're mad about."

i take a step closer to him and i feel myself about to go off. here we go. "why did you go on a date with riley?"

"bri, tonight wasn't a date. i'm just getting to know her." he runs his hand through his hair. "so a date," my brow goes up. does he think i'm stupid? "did you guys kiss?" as soon as those words leave my mouth i cringe. why am i acting like crazy right now?

"is someone jealous? because i feel a lot of jealousy coming from over here." he points at me. i scoff. "don't flatter yourself." i lie totally jealous. he comes closer.

"riley and i are just casually talking. she asked me if i wanted to see a movie, i didn't mind." he walks right in front of me.

you didn't mind or you couldn't say no?

"goodnight brianna, i'll see you tomorrow." parker comes closer and i freeze. "and by the way, i didn't kiss her." he whispers in my ear.

i want to say something back but i'm actually speechless. he takes his hand away and walks away.

parker grey what are you doing to me?

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