i hate you

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"i can't believe i'm doing this." i dip my toes in the water to see if it was cold. the cold water shocks me and i walk away. "no way i'm getting in that." i shake my head and i reach for my hoodie.

"put the hoodie down." he takes it out of my hand and throws it on our blanket. he also takes my glasses off. "now i can't see." i hug myself. it's freezing and we're both almost naked. not that i'm complaining about seeing mason in just his boxers though. even if my vision is blurry. i just stand there in my bra and underwear. "if you don't come in with me then i will throw you in." he says and i step away from him. "you wouldn't dare." i back up more.

"try me."

mason sprints towards me and i take off running. "mason no!" i scream trying to dodge him as he grabs me. trying to run in the sand is the hardest thing to do. he ends up grabbing me and i scream. "don't!" i warn him. he doesn't listen and he picks me up, puts me over his shoulder, and walks towards the water.

i scream his name and try to break free from his grip. i hate this. i stop struggling and accept my fate. i see the water rise all the way up to his knees and i prepare myself to be thrown in the water but instead he pulls me down. his hands hold the lower part of my waist and i'm holding behind his neck. "oh."

"i hate you." i look at him. "you're about to hate me a lot more." he says quickly and before i can react, he holds me tight and we fall into the freezing cold water. i scream underwater on accident. i quickly remove myself from mason and i swim away. i choke as i stand up. i can't see anything.

"what are you choking for?" i hear mason laughing. i wipe my face and i push him. "i screamed on accident." i breathe and try to calm down. "how do you scream on accident?" more laughing. i am freezing my tits off. "my whole body got dunked in ice cold water...it was an automatic response!" i splash him. he splashes me back and i scream again as the cold water hits my skin.

i needed to get away from him. "ma'am are you okay?" i turn my head and squint to see a woman holding a child in her arms. ma'am? "i-i'm fine." i give her a thumbs up. "what are you guys doing in there? it's forty-six degrees out here."

i give mason a sarcastic smile. "we are aware of that." mason waves at her like he's saying goodbye. the woman looks at us, keeps walking, then looks at us again. "she probably thinks we're insane." i laugh to myself. "we are." we both watch the lady leave. "you are." i say and he splashes me again. i am one hundred percent sure one of us is going to get sick...and it will most likely be me.

i splash him back.

i don't know how long we've been in the water but the sun is starting to set and the water is no longer freezing. "can we get out now? my fingers look like prunes." i laugh as i shove my fingers in his face. "yeah let's finish our pizza." mason starts to walk towards the shore. i agree and as we're walking he pushes me into the water. i'm going to kill this dude.

i get up quickly and i charge after him. when he notices i'm running after him he runs to the blanket and i stop. i don't want to kick sand on the blanket. "here." mason throws me a towel. i cover myself with it immediately. the towel blocks the freezing air from hitting my skin and all i feel is warmth. "you really got me into that water." i shake my head. i hurry to dry myself off and i throw on my hoodie.

"did you have fun?" he asks smirking. "maybe."

i grab a blanket and i wrap myself in it.

getting comfortable and warm after a cold day feels like heaven. i grab a piece of pizza and i start eating again. as i eat i watch mason put his pants on and get bundled up too.

we both finish all the pizza and mason brings his guitar out. "i hope you can sing because if you can't i'm leaving." i joke but not really. "any requests?" mason asks messing with the guitar. he looks so cute right now. his hair is all over the place and his cheeks are red. seeing him with his guitar is starting to turn me on.

he looks at me and i forgot he asked a question. "oh, uh...let my baby stay by mac demarco?" i ask not sure if he knew that song. mason nods and starts playing it.

no way.

he even starts singing. not completely, he's subtle with it but i'm completely blown away at how good he sounds. i can't stop smiling.

my favorite part comes up and i start to join him. "so please don't take, my love away." i sing and he smiles at me. we start singing together and i swear this is the cutest moment.

we finish the song and i'm totally amazed with him. he puts his guitar away and he turns towards me. i bite my lip holding back a familiar urge. my thoughts fight inside my head. do it. kiss him.

i smile before leaning in to kiss him. i just give him a peck to see what would happen. almost instantly, mason pulls me in for another kiss. the kiss was soft but felt passionate. it was like the both of us have been wanting to do this for a while. which was crazy considering we just met.

his hand cuffed my face and the other was griping my thigh.

i started to lean towards him which caused him to lean back, now i was on top of him. i straddled him without breaking the kiss. he sat back up and pulled me close to him. i never wanted this to stop but sadly it did. he moved me off of him and i fell back. "oh shit! i just broke the rules!"

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