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this past week has been horrible. i've been banned from bri's house, talked about in school and riley won't even talk to me. but i mean what did i expect. i did sort of cheated on her.

i walk the halls with my head down until there's an announcement on the loudspeaker. parker grey please report to the principals office. i look up to see everyone's eyes on me. i fucking hate high school.

i quickly make my way to the office so they didn't call me a second time and embarrass me even more. "yes?" i say coming into the office. "hey parker, do you mind talking to me about something?" he says. okay? "what do you want to talk about?" i sit. "i know you're aware of the fight that occurred before school a few days ago."

"yeah i am and so is the rest of the school so why am i here?" i cross my arms. "because the fight was about you," i sit back. "and now both riley and brianna haven't been showing up. do you know where they are?"

"none of them want anything to do with me," i frown.

"call their parents, not me." i get up and leave.

i look around and i groan. i should ditch.

i see natalie and i call out her name. she looks at me then quickly looks away. i chase after her. "what parker?" she looks at me dead in my eyes. "i wanted to apologize." i look down at her. she's short. natalie laughs. "what are you sorry about exactly?"

"i am sorry for complicating things. i wasn't thinking and i didn't know how it would hurt you or anyone else. can you please forgive me?" by the look on her face, i assume i didn't apologize correctly. "i hate holding grudges but i don't like you," she crosses her arms. "you're apology means nothing to me. what you should be sorry for is for messing with both of my friends feelings. especially bri! she really likes you and you went and dated her best friend making her doubt herself and ruining her confidence. i think you're an asshole so apology not accepted." she walks away and i stand there silent.


i walk into my house and kick my shoes off. i place the takeout on the table and a second later i hear a bunch of things being thrown. i run upstairs to look for my mom and sister. sounds of crying gets louder the closer i get to my moms room. i burst in seeing her on the floor. sophia's crying standing next to her. "come here soph." i pick my sister up.

"mom i'll be right back." i say before leaving to sophias room. "macy what's wrong?" she asks as i sit her down on her bed. i wipe her tears. she's too young for me to even try to explain what was wrong with mom.

"mom's just a little sad. she'll be okay though. you don't have to cry." i hug her. i need to distract her. "want to take a bubble bath and wear your princess pajamas?" i offer really hoping she says yes.

i'm physically and mentally drained. i couldn't take her sass tonight.

"okay." soph smiles. "let me run that bath." i get up and walk to her bathroom where i start her bath and make sure to put extra bubbles in. i walk out when it's done. "i'll be right back. don't get in the bath without me." i warn her then rush to my moms room.

"mom what's wrong?" i sit down next to her. "i want him back mason, i just want him back." she holds out a picture frame of all of us.

i never show my emotions in this house or sometimes in general. i try to be the man of the house, i try to take care of my mom and sister. i try to never show weakness. i needed to be strong for all of us but sometimes i break down.

this is now one of those times.

seeing my dad on the picture triggered something in me. i always avoided our family photos but now seeing how happy we were in that photo, it took me back. "mom please don't cry." i hold her. i fight back tears of my own. "it's been two years and i still can't believe he's gone." she cries hysterically. i never know what to do when she gets like this. this isn't the first time either. i usually just lay with her until she falls asleep.

"he's still here mom. in our hearts. he's never going to leave and as long as you keep thinking that way, you'll never feel like he's gone." i try to calm her down. she slowly stops crying and i quickly wipe my tears away. be strong. "oh my beautiful boy, how did i get so lucky?"

i feel myself about to fully break down. "let me run you a nice bath. i brought home takeout, i'll bring it up to you and you can relax. take it easy. get some sleep." i get up and i already walk towards her bathroom. i do the same thing to my moms bath then i go check up on sophia. when i walk in her room she's not there.

i panic then run to the bathroom. she's in the bath playing with her mermaid dolls. "sophia i told you to wait!" i sigh. "i don't want you to see me naked!" she said. what? "sophia i changed your diapers. i always give you baths." i sit down next to the tub and rub my temples.

"not anymore." she smiles then goes back to playing. i lift my head. "did i time travel? how old are you? thirteen?" i can't believe she's acting like this. "i'm almost seven." i scoff. "you're still my baby don't forget that." i frown. "i'm your baby." she throws bubbles at me.

"yes you are."

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